A Men’s Workout for Cauldron alongside Amen’s workout for Foundry. All at LFC

Event Date

Nov 20, 2020


Pax list to be found in Amen's Foundry BB

For day 5 of Amen's anniversary week we decided to call for a convergence at LFC with Foundry where Amen had the Q. But we also still offered a KB beatdown Q'd by YHC. 

in all, 20 men arrived to two option to choose from. Some were more confused than others. Choices were made and here's what happened for The Cauldron pax. 

Warm-o-Rama – Was gonna join Amen’s but they took off. We had bells so we stayed. 

SSHs x 16 IC

ISTs x 15 IC


Row 1:

All in cadence:  40 Curls, Skull Crushers, Lawn Mowers (split between each arm)

Lap (gets longer with each row)

Row 2, 30. Row 3, 20. Row 4, 10


Now we’re up top. 

Hey look – someone set up mini bench press benches with blocks. 

KB presses and flies AMRAP while partner takes a lap. 


Mosey with bells back to the bottom. 


Converge for MWAR.