A Mental Kick in the Pants

15 men stood tall and collectively took on the morning’s challenge at Blender.  5 got in 2.5 miles running the Standard beforehand.  Here’s how it all went:


Mosey with KB west parking lot of the church and circled up.

SSH x 50 IC

IST x 20 IC

Cotton Picker x 15 IC

Arm Circles (Girl Fight) x 20 IC, forward and backward.

Merkins x 50 OYO


Proceed with KBs to Hell’s Ascent.  Line up in single row facing the hill.

KB Swings x 20 OYO

Bearcrawl to top of hill

Burpees x 2 OYO

Return to bottom and repeato, adding 2 Burpees per round.  Finish at 20 Burpees (10 rounds total).

Low Flutter x 30 IC

WWII Situps x 20

Grab KB and perform following in cadence, extend normal speed on 1 count, and then slow decline on 2-4 count:

Curls x 20 IC

Skull Crushers x 20 IC

Shoulder Presses x 20 IC

Mosey to front of church.


LBC x 25 IC

Elbow Plank x 90 secs


  • Outstanding job done by all this morning, and I would expect nothing less.  This is a high caliber group of men, and each showed up ready to work this morning.  Rock solid.
  • It was awesome to run into Firestone this morning.  Haven’t seen you in forever, we post the same AOs but somehow keep missing each other.  Hoping to workout with you again soon.
  • This workout was not about just grinding physically, but also strengthening our mental resiliency.  Making the reps on the burpees progressive puts you into a mental pain cave that doesn’t end until you finish the last one.  When you are in the middle of doing 16 reps, you’re tired, you want it to end, but you know you still have the 18 & 20 rep sets to go.  It’s a mental kick in the pants.  The fact that everything was soaking wet only added to that.  Your mind will always want to quit long before your body will.  Always resist that temptation, as you all did today.  This goes for every challenging situation you encounter in your everyday life.
  • Thank you TBC for the opportunity to lead.  It’s an honor and a privilege every time to be amongst you gentlemen.
