A Menu of Fitness Options in Race City

Eighteen of Race City's got together for what felt like YHC's family trying to decide what to eat for dinner.  Some wanted to run early, some wanted to run late, some wanted to ruck, some wanted to taper, others wanted to say f–k it I'll do what everybody else decides.  Undeterred, YHC prepared a sufficient amount of crappiness to make most regret waking up.  Pre-rucking and Pre-running did occur.  Some ran during the main course.  Lots of comments indicating gents can't wait till the BRR is over.  That's sweet – I've missed you guys too.  Note – Shoehorn is not on F3 Isotope because he is a rebel and doesn't want to be listed among the masses above.


Mosey around fountain. Karaoke both ways, backwards run, regular.  Back to Circle.


  • SSH X20
  • IST X15
  • WM X10
  • CP X10
  • Plank, adding bidirectional skyward reach for undetermined time intervals.



Tabata – 8 exercises, 8 rounds each.  20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest.  30 seconds of rest between exercises.

  • Staggered Merkins
  • Curls
  • KB Swings
  • LBC
  • Dips
  • Wall Pullovers
  • Elbow Plank
  • Skull Crushers

That's all folks.



Tabata is a great way to squeeze Mary in without anybody noticing.

Fair amount of complaining today – I like that.

Getting tired of having Manhands' sack in full view at every workout.

The Respects continue to make all of us look bad. Well done, Cupcake, Deep End, Tick Tock, Usain. 

Glad to see Shoehorn back out in the gloom.  All it takes is a Fantasy Football requirement to get him back out there and it's well worth it.