A Mighty 84ish Themed Pre-Birthday VQ

84 days ago, YHC groggily and begrudgingly rolled out of bed and made the 0.8 mile drive from his house to The Mighty Oak for his first F3 post.  36 years and 364 days ago, YHC came into the world in the year of our Lord 1984.  Thank you for the inspiration, universe, and thank you Van Halen for producing the soundtrack for this morning's workout, the critically acclaimed album titled 1984. 

13 PAX headed into the gloomidity to participate in what was hopefully an enjoyable VQ. 

The VQ adrenaline got to me, so of course I forgot to give the DISCLAIMER.  Thankfully, there were no major bodily injuries to report.


  • Serpentine Jog 
  • SST x 12 (8+4) IC 
  • Cross Row/Cross Open x 12 (8+4) IC 
  • IST x 12 (8+4) IC 
  • Slippery Dip Can x 12 (8+4) IC 
  • Windmills x 12 (8+4) IC
  • Toy Soldier x 12 (8+4) IC 


Soundtrack: "1984", "Jump", "Panama"  

  • The Spheres of Destiny
    • Wedge feet under giant concrete spheres and do 12 (8+4) assisted WWII sit-ups IC 
  • 12 (8+4) step-ups on each leg on planter box OYO 
  • Mosey around front of Grand Oak to picnic tables 
  • 12 (8+4) dips IC


Soundtrack: "Top Jimmy", "Drop Dead Legs", Hot for Teacher", "I'll Wait", "Girl Gone Bad", "House of Pain"

Partner up and grab 1 block per team 

  • Partner 1:  Serpentine of Death (up and down the bus parking spots) 
    • Bear Crawl up and back 
    • Lunge Walk up and back 
    • Karaoke up and back 
    • Butt Kickers up and back 
    • High Knees up and back 
    • Side Shuffle up and back 
    • Broad Jump / Block Hop (carefully) up and back
    • Quadraphilia up and back
    • Run back to block station
  • Partner 2:  Block Work 
    • Block Squat x 12 (8+4) IC 
    • Curl x 12 (8+4) IC 
    • Overhead Press x 12 (8+4) IC 
    • Skull Crushers x 12 (8+4) IC 
    • Bent Over Rows x 12 (8+4) IC 
    • Chest Press x 12 (8+4) IC 
    • Plank Until Partner Returns
    • Switch
  • Repeato x 4

Pretty sure we only made it to 3.5 as the pace slowed and the grumblechatter intensified.

Put back blocks.  Mosey back to cars for Mary.


Soundtrack: "Proud Mary", "The Wind Cries Mary"

  • 84s (100s x 21 IC) 
  • LBC x 12 (8+4) IC 
  • Pull Throughs x 12 (8+4) IC
  • Etch-A-Sketch Audible:  J-Lo x 12 (8+4) IC

Recover.  Recover.  NOR.  Announcements.  BOM.


  1. ? Thanks to the PAX who came out to support for my VQ, I really appreciate the attendance!
  2.  Special thanks to Lego not only for the EH, but also for bringing out two FNG coworkers this morning
    • FNG-1 (Clay [no-lexicon]Walker[/no-lexicon]) apparently was named "Mr. Bill" at F3 a few years ago and stopped coming from that point forward, welcome back!
    • FNG-2 (Brad Austin) drove down from Mooresville, and felt comfortable leaving the keys to his vehicle by the entrance to Grand Oak during the workout.  Was really sweating not giving that disclaimer…
  3.  Jazz Hands knows all the words to every song on 1984.  I think he misunderstood the "Karaoke" section of the workout, but the PAX certainly appreciated the impressive lyrical recall.
  4.  Etch-A-Sketch moves to Johnson City, TN next week – best of luck and thanks for coming out!
  5.  96% Relative humidity makes for a very sweaty workout.
  6.  I would not have survived this workout three months ago.  Thanks to all of F3/LKN for the growth and motivation to get better and stronger.