A Mighty Oak workout in a box, in a box, in a box

Event Date

Mar 09, 2022

The rain held off for 5 Pax today at The Mighty Oak.  What follows is roughly their story:

8-Mar-2022 (the night before) at 19:04 – Twitter message from Kosar:  "You want to move workout to discovery place tomorrow bc of the rain?"

Turnpike's response at 19:24:  "F***s no.  Will people melt?"

Back Story:  The last time YHC was supposed to Q here, we DID converge at DPK for the annual Daytona 500 workout.  Unfortunately, Mulligan who moved to our region from Denver, did not get the message and showed up solo.  Cobains. 

0450:  Some stuff was drawn in chalk and some boxes were placed into boxes.

0455:  Gambini, a first timer here, followed the lunch lady into the parking lot and thus had to move his vehicle.

0503:  Gambini and Turnpike for a 2.44 mile nice standard with no sign of MQ Kosar.



  • Mosey around the parking lot, including high knees, butt kickers, and Karaoke L/R
  • Everyone grabs a block, circle up near the basketball hoops.  Disclaimer given.
  • Jump over your block Burpees x 5 OYO to demonstrate them
  • Captain Thors:
    • WWII followed by American Hammers in 4 count, so start 1-4 all the way to 7-28
  • 180 degree turn Burpees x 5 OYO to demonstrate them  (Overheard from Tuffy:  "I think we get the idea", lol)
  • IST x 15 IC  Cobains, forgot these
  • Burpees with an extra jump squat x 5 OYO to demonstrate them  Cobains, forgot these too!  Chaos!!
  • Soybean farmers (Tennessee style?) x 15 IC

The workout in a box, in a box, in a box thing:

Elbow plank x 1 minute while WIB explained. 

Each Pax bring a block to our square.  Within the drawn squares (let’s call them boxes) there were actual boxes, which contained workouts in the box.  Got it?  Was going to break the Pax into teams if needed, but with a small group we stuck together.

Box 1:

  • Jump over your block Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Captain Thors:
    • WWII followed by American Hammers in 4 count, so start 1-4 all the way to 7-28
    • (Believe we were interupted here by…another lunch lady?  Is this Lunch Lady Land?)
  • Decline Mericans x 20 OYO using your block
  • Run all the way around the school, go to Box 2.  Leave your blocks where they are.

Box 2:

  • 180 degree turn Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Low flutters x 50 OYO (each time right leg up = 1 rep) x 25 IC
  • Diamond Mericans x 20 OYO
  • Run all the way around the school, go to Box 3. 

Box 3: 

  • Burpees with an extra jump squat x 10 OYO  (Cobains that these weren't demonstrated during WARM-O-RAMA)
  • LBCs x 50 OYO x 25 IC
  • Shoulder-touch Mericans x 15 OYO
  • Run all the way around the school.

Then we did some block work:

  • Chest presses x 25 IC
  • Overhead press x 10 IC x 7 IC – Q was smoked!
  • Full curls x 10 IC
  • Bent over rows x 10 IC
  • Jump over your blocks x 10 each side for a total of 20
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC x 5 IC

Put your blocks away.  Mosey to the cars for some Mary.


  • Crunchy frog x 10 IC
  • Jack-knife LBCs x 10 IC each side
  • Elbow plank x 1 min
  • 1 crisp, clean Burpee

Recover, recover.  We covered 1.54 miles according to Strava.



  1. We prayed for Hippie and family, and for our friend Ziplock. 
  2. Good to meet Sac today.  He was leading each run from the front.  Sac joins our region from Winston Salem, and we're glad to have you bud.  Give Sac a follow on the Twitter:  @KyleMcCay
  3. Gambini and Tammy Faye are both in for Q vs. Q, and YHC predicts they will both be very tough opponents.  I understand the brackets shall be revealed after this weekend's awesome event here: http://www.f3lakenorman.com/announcement/dale-beatty-memorial-5k-speed-for-need
  4. Speaking of tough, Tuffy has been Qing a lot lately and by reading the backblasts I can firmly deduce all of them were tougher than today.  At one point today Tuffy claims the WIB in the box read "20 airborne mind benders" lol.  But we know Tuffy would never skip a rep.  Nice work today.
  5. 0710 Twitter Message today from Kosar:  [Paraphrasing] I didn't set my alarm correctly.  Response from YHC:  "You will be appropriately roasted in the backblast".  Lol.  In all seriousness, thanks Kosar for the opportunity to Q.  Upcoming Mighty Oak Qs include:  16-Mar:  Flo, 23-Mar:  Tammy Faye, 30-Mar, 6-Apr, and 13-Apr:  All Open, 20-Apr:  Mr. Holland, 27-Apr:  Toby.  Strong lineup!  Perhaps Gambini or Sac can help with 1 or 2 of the open dates?  And more importantly, perhaps one of the Q vs. Q matchups will happen at The great Mighty Oak AO.  Aye.

Appreciate you gents,
