22 Mighty PAX said no to the fartsack and yes to the howling winds at Westmoreland Sports Complex.  Temps were in the low 40's but wind chill made it feel like low 30's.

Not registered on the site are Shamrock and Vinz Clortho.

This is what happened to the best of my recollection….

Pledge of Allegiance


Mosey around the parking lot to the sounds of mumblechatter – "Where's the disclaimer" "Why is it so Windy" "This a whole lot of running" 2 minutes done

SSH x 25 IC

IST x 15 IC

Toy Soldier x 15 IC

Windmill x 15 IC

Mountain Climber x 20 IC

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

The Thang

Mosey to the concession area and partner up

Partner A does 25 SSH, Partner B does Mountain Climbers AMRAP

Flip-flop, Repeato until each PAX does 100 SSH

Partner A does 25 Line Jumps, Partner B does Plank Jacks AMRAP

Flip-flop, Repeato until each PAX does 75 Line Jumps

Partner A does 10 8-count body builders, Partner B does Alternating Step Ups AMRAP

Flip-flop, Repeato until each PAX does 30 8-count body builders

Mosey down to the wall, where apparently there was no wind

People's Chair + 20 Air Press IC

Incline 'mericans on the curb x 10 IC

People's Chair + 20 Air Press IC

Decline 'mericans on the curb x 10 IC

Mosey out of the park and circle up in the cul-de-sac

25 LBCs IC

Form 3 lines for Indian Run to Westmoreland Rd

Mosey to the Rock Pile and grab a friend that would make your mommma proud

Low Curls, High Curls, Full Curls

Should Press

Skull Crushers

Full Curls

Return the rocks – mosey to the ball field.

Yes Smores I know what time it is, Yes we are doing another exercise before Mary, Yes the clown car was 2 minutes late this morning – you owe us all

In the outfield line up for sprints

Sprint from the foul line to centerfield – Sprint Back

Repeato/Repeato for a total of 10 sprints

Head for home, circle up for Mary

The Geek leads while YHC gets my phone:

 Low Flutters

YHC Returns

Low Flutters

[I didn't realize it was a repeato – but damned if I was going to change once the clown car #1 started complaining]  Repeato on the low flutter


Blown Away Moleskin:

– Great group this morning.  Thanks to The Geek for the opportunity to Q.

– Uncle Rico – please get yourself checked.  He cleared the room during Mary.  Keep in mind "the room" was an outdoor parking lot with 15 mph winds.  Strong Work.

– Always good to post with my former co-workers The Geek and Ninja Turtle.  All we need for a full reunion is Miracle.  Miracle are you there?  Has anyone seen Miracle?

– 2 Clown Cars today – each with 5 PAX.  Save the Planet.  Earth Day comes early this year.

– We lifted up Shamrock's friend in prayer as he goes through an organ transplant.  Keep him and his young family in your prayers.

– The cold, the early wake-up call, the wind, the mumblechatter – – – wouldn't change a thing.  Best part of the day.  Blessed and humbled to be associated with you men.