a mixed bag of tricks at fallout

18 chatter boxes (not sure if there is such a thing as an incog anymore with all their in family fighting).  Welcome FNG Craig who is Burner’s neighbor in the newly founded F3 compound of Torrance


Warm-o-rama – COP

SSH X 20


Cotton pickers X 10

Girl fight X 20


Basketball Court Fun

  • Get on the 3 point line and do 1 Jump shots run to basket and due a layup (touch the backboard if you can) X 10 and
  • Merkins suicides on BBALL court

1st goal 15 Merkins and back

2nd goal 15 Merkins and back

3rd goal 15 Merkins and back

4th goal 15 Merkins and back


To the playground equipment partner up (size doesn’t matter)

  • Partner 1 ten pull up
  • Partner 2 amrap deep slow squat


  • Done 3 times


To the wall:


  • People chair with air press
  • Balls to the wall


  • Partner plank shoulder raise on the loading dock
  • Alternate group LBCs AMRAP

To the rocks and the mini pain clock


  • Leave rocks at 12 and always come back
  • 20 curls in cadence
  • Run 1 ¼ lap back to rocks X20 skull crushers
  • Run 1 ½ lap back to rocks for X20 shoulder press
  • Run 1 ¾ lap back to rocks for 7 up (7 low, 7 high and 7 full) and 5 additional in cadence
  • Run 2 laps and 10X  burners



  • Pretzel crunch 15 each side
  • Box cutter X 12 or so
  • Xs and Os X 5
  • Big Baby Crunch X 10
  • 10 Shoulder Touch Merkins Snake Eyes


Good old fashion moleskin.

  • I found out that my 17 years of marriage has prepared for when the incogs are at a workout.  I was able to pretty much ignore their attempts to throw me off or change my cadence.
  • Even though lawndart didn’t think I had a plan I actually did and only had to add 2 things to my winkie to make sure we made it to 6:15.
  • I always enjoy returning to fallout/the estate as that is where I spent a good bit of my time in year 2 of my f3 career.
  • No matter how long it has been since my last Q or how long I might have been fart sacking, I am always able to jump right back in where I left off.