A Modified take on Samson suicides

Event Date

Sep 14, 2023


Decided to kick off a new take on the regular types of suicides and integrate some new moves learned from Iron Pax. 

Warma Rama : started off with a bit of a mosey around the parking lot warming up the legs with some: 

High knees 

Butt Kickers 

Shuttle Runs 


The Thang : 

Pax went over to grab some blocks and start in one lane of the parking lot with 5 lines of cones marked off for the suicides: 

Set 1

Round 1:  Pax ran to first line Performed a no cheat push-up ( push with hands off the ground at the bottom and shoulder touches at the top on each shoulder )  and then ran back to the start. Increase the reps by one until the fifth line your doing 5 no cheat push ups. 

Round 2: Pax ran to the line and came back to the start and performed a thruster with the block. Increasing by 1 for every round. 

Round 3; A combination of both Round 1 and Round 2. Pax ran to the line performed a rep of no cheat push-ups came back to the start and performed a thruster with the block. 

Ten second breaks in between each round. 

Set 2 

Round 1 Pax Zamperin’d with the block to the line and performed a curl and Zamperini back to the start line. Increase by one for every line up to 5 curls 

Round 2 : Pax ran to a line and then ran back to perform a Jump Squat increasing by 1

Round 3: A combination of both Round 1 and Round 2. Pax Zamperini’d to first line performed a curl and then went back to the start and performed a Jump Squat all the way up to five.  

Ten Second rest in between each round

Set 3 

Round 1 Pax ran to the line and performed a Man maker without a push up and returned to the start. increased by 1 for every line 

Round 2 Pax ran to the line and returned to the start performed 5 low flutters 4 count and increased by 5 for every round. 

Round 3 You guessed it ! (or didn’t I’m not a mind reader ) A combination of round 1 and 2 Pax ran to the line and performed a man maker and then ran back to the start to perform 5 , 4 count flutter kicks increasing by one on the man maker and 5 on the flutter. 

A little mumble Chatter. 

Shoutout to Toxic for not modifying anything. 

Definitely tried to mix it up rather than just doing straight up suicides. A big thank you to The Force for letting me Q his takeover.