A new identity

Event Date

Sep 07, 2024

C# takes the Q.  

PAX present were: Clark, Marker, Scope, Sonar, Thrift Shop, and FNG1 is Clark’s son Issac (formerly named Rusty).  

Last week at the Saturday workout Issac said he would like a new name.  Specifically, his own name, unrelated to his dad’s nickname.  Since Clark was named after the Christmas Vacation character, his son was naturally named “Rusty” like Clark’s son in the movie.  Well, Rusty is his own man now.  We debated naming him last week, and he said he would be back out this week and he was!  He even got Clark to a workout 3 minutes early.  I wanted to find something that made me think of him.  We learned things about him, but one thing I notice about him is that he is always smiling.  During the workout, I had decided to name him “Cheese” after his big smile.  He may grow up and have a job, or school, or interest that helps define him, but I hope his nickname reminds him of his positive attitude and that he shares his happiness with those around him.  Welcome to the club Cheese! 

Ironically Scope also found a piece of Cheese this morning while picking up trash in the parking lot.

The warm up:

Cotton Pickers
Toy Soldiers
Arm Circles

The thang:

Mosey to the front of the gym, 10 step ups each leg.
Mosey to the dungeon, wall sits.  C# found a tennis ball this morning and worked it in.  While we wall sit, you have to throw the ball aross, hit the wall and catch it.  Then toss it to the next guy and go down the line.  Anyone drops it, 3 burpees for the group.  Then a repeato.  The ball was dropped twice.

Then back to the front of the gym, everyone in front of a table bench.  For:
10 Merkins on the ground, straight into
10 incline merkins on the bench, straight into
10 incline merkins on the table top

Then we mosey around to the bus parking lot.  Where we do (your choice of: wall kicks, box jumps, or step ups) while each pax runs around the tree and back.

Then we line up at the buses.  (There were a lot of buses).
We start at the first bus, and run suicide style to each bus and back.  Stopping to do LBC to the last number on each bus.  This turned out to be harder than imagined, and Thriftshop says its more like a long drawn out terminal illness rather than suicides.

Now we stop at the fence to do 5 each leg, squats while holding fence for balance.

Now mosey to the back, where pax think we are going to use the dumpster wall, but we instead go right on into the fence of the agricultural area.  Of all the years of doing F3 at ELHS, we have never gone in here that I know of.  Interesting layout, of uneven surfaces, so we do a parkour circuit of Sit-ups, incline merkins, run down stairs, decline merkins, squat, wall jump, repeat.

Then after about 3 rounds, I say, ok, lets reverse it and go the other way.  To which Cheese says, well that was creative (While smiling, I might add).  So after a couple laps, I force Cheese to determine our next exercise and put his creativity on the spot.  After a minute to think, he has us run down the greenhouse and back, starting with 1 merkin, and adding a merkin each time until we reach 10.  That turned out to be tuff too, so not taking any more suggestions from him.  

Then we mosey to the back of the school where Sonar realizes just how much he doesnt know (or has forgotten) about the layout of ELHS.  We find a flat spot and start incorporating mary.  5 Jane Fondas, flip, 5 Jane Fondas, 10 IC box cutters.

Mosey to further down, but still behind the school.  Fing a flat spot on concrete for a newly named, slightly new exercise, the pax named head-shoulder-knees-and-toes.  I think we may see more of this in the future.  (The singing during this exercise was something else, show to know)

We mosey around the corner and up to the down under pull up bars were we do 10 IC pullups.

At this point we spot Scope in the parking lot.  He aparently thought we started at 7:30 and had just missed us as we went around to the buses.  So he does the right thing and walks the parking lot, picking up trash (and cheese) all the while.  Then joins us for circle of trust, prayer, and sound off.

FYI, Scope mentions that he is going to try to make M,W & F this week!  Come join him!

We mosey back to the launch pad.  

We name Cheese, then sound off.  

Pray it out and a few head to Panera for Coffeteria.

Today’s reflection is the verse of the day:

Proverbs 13:20 – ESV
20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Good reminder to be careful who we keep company with. 


