A New Q is Born @ PAINinsula

Despite the rain, 18 men resisted the urge to hit that snooze button with the intention of bettering themselves and those around them. 

The Thang:

Co-Q: Slice

Mosey over to the Thoroughfare

Side Straddle Hop x 25

Imperial Storm Trooper x 15 

Windmill x 10 

Squat x 10

Merkin x 10

Co-Q: Moses

Mosey over to the Gazebo 

Calf Raises – middle, outside, inner x 10 each

Incline Merkin x 10

Mosey over to the corner to channel the runner inside us

Excercise from one corner to next for a total of 4 segments:

Run, Karaoke, Run, Karaoke 

Run 50%, Run 75%, Run 100%, coast back to start

4 corners of Freddie Mercuries x 14IC (28) accompanied by Jazzhands Serenade about riding his bicyle

Shoulder Tap Merkin x 21 each corner

Light stretching

Mosey back the Thoroughfare for quick ab blast

Co-Q: Slice

Rosalita x 10

Flutter kicks x 10

LBC x 20



"Be better today than you were yesterday, and be better tomorrow than you are today." – Lorenzo Snow

Sling Slice