A Nice June Morning to go Sledding

Event Date

Jun 23, 2022


9 of the finest LKN has to offer posted for Samson, sans Hasslehoff.  We took off promptly at 05:30 with Snake Eyes juuuust barely exiting his car in time.  After some forward, backward and karaoke lane warm-ups, each man grabbed a block and circled up.

The disclaimer having been duly discharged, we jumped right into:
SSH X 150
Down Dog to heal those hurting calves
Low hover on the block
IST x 20
The Windmill
Slow Squat
Partner-up for the event:
Partner 1 block sleds to the end of the parking column while partner 2 does the exercise.  Run back to the top and swap, partner 2 runs to the left-behind block and sleds it back to the top while partner 1 continues the DORA exercise.  
We did this for:     100 shoulder-touch’Mericans 
                                200 squats
                                300 alternating LBCs
Upon completion, we were hoping to jump into round 2, but time limited.
So we did a mini round of the same with block curls at 150 and returned the blocks.
No time for MARY today,  hope the abs during the workout sufficed.
Naked Moleskin
1. Thanks for posting today, guys.  I had a lovely time.
2. Gambini left with a scraped and bloody knee having had block/parking lot interference issues.  Sorry, Bro.  Sometimes that does happen.  See above: I gave the disclaimer 🙂 
3. Great to see Carpetbagger out for some 1st and 2nd F.  Sorry today was so mobile!
4. I gotta say, not much complaining today.  That means it was too easy.  We’ll do better next time.  
5. Strong work today!  See some of you tomorrow.