A paddle and reflective musings

Event Date

Jun 01, 2020

Warm o Rama
Carrying the Paddleboards and Kayaks are warm-up enough

The Thang:
We paddled in McCrary Creek at a 13:00/mi pace with the men.  Out and back.

Circle of Trust:  For some reason the conversation revolved around if you could relive being a teenager with the knowledge and skills you have now, what wuld you do different.  Now, get the idea in your mind that Deadpool is the one bringing it up and trying to lead the conversaiton.  Then picture this, picture Brushless chiming in with his thoughts, that is what you can call them.  Now get some Gepetto like comment and guess where the conversation goes.  

Alas, we drank a few beverages during this.  I spilled one sitting on my board and sitting in it for the duration.  
