A passion fruit smoothie. with blueberries

Also in attendance was Seamus / Shamus? A 20 yr old ex Crossfitter looking for a better workout.

Disclaimer: today's workout was inspired by Travolta's warbdrobe and Scrappy's dancing, amongst other things.

I really hope Bogey doesn't read that title. Or see the Q's sweatshirt from today, a hand me down from Jazzhands. The mumble chatter started early when YHC called the Jane Fonda as one of the warm up exercises. Someone said Bogey would be rolling over in his grave. Another said he would kill me. Lots of mention of Bogey around the Blender, but YHC has never had the pleasure of enduring a Bogey beatdown. Seems like he stopped showing up around the time Dallas, Mr Burns, and Jolly started running. Wherefore art thou, O Bogey? The Blender needs you. 


Warm Up: the usual suspects with the exception of –

The Jane Fonda 15x IC each leg


Burpees, OYO as many as possible in 3 minutes

Whether or not 3 minutes of burpees was the plan all along, it was effective in quieting the mumblechatter for a bit. The results are still being tallied. If you want to know how many were done, you'll have to ask the Pax.

Next up was the Lieutenant Dan, thanks again for the intro Roadie. This consists of starting at 1 squat and 1 lunge each leg and working by ones, up to 10 squats and 10 lunges each leg. Bonus points to the first Pax who says why this is called the Lt Dan in the comments. (hint: you will know tomorrow morning). Additional bonus points to any Pax who know what the Passionfruit and Blueberries were in today's workout.

Next we did a little boxing workout:

The Bob and Weave with KB, 50x

Rocky Balboas, 25x IC

Leg throwdowns with partner, 30x each


Farmer carry KBs to hill for 3 rounds of partner exercises:

Round 1 – Quadrafilia / 100 KB squat presses. Each team of partners completes 100 KB squat presses. Partner 1 quadrafilia up the hill and carefully descend while partner 2 does exercises. Then flapjack. Rinse and repeat until all 100 are completed.

Round 2 – Bear crawl / 100 KB Swings. Each team of partners completes 100 KB swings. Partner 1 bear crawl up hill and jog down, while partner 2 performs exercise. Flap jack until each team of partners completes.

Round 3 – Run Hill / Turkish Get Ups. Each team of partners completes 50 turkish get ups (use your own discretion on doing with KB or not).  Partner 1 runs up hill and back while partner 2 does turkish get ups . Flap Jack until 40 turkish get ups are completed.

To finish it off we did 10 partner merkins and flapjack. YHC was not clear in the instructions that both partners were to do the merkin whether on top or bottom, so we did a 2nd round to make up for it. Lego and Auto had some interesting form as they tried to do it in the shape of a lowercase t. Unusual to say the least, but they are good friends.



Captain Thor 10x. Each rep consists of a WW2 situp followed by a russian twist in cadence then back down. 

Pretzel crunch 10 (or 11)x IC



– There was a standard that a number of Pax took part in. YHC does not know the count, if you do feel free to sound off in comments below.

– There was also a post workout jailbreak with KBs. Uncle Rico took off and Qbert tried to catch him. I believe both were using 52 lb KBs. A pretty close race, not sure who won.

– Great to see some faces I haven't seen much of: Raven, Slugger, and Seamus. Hope you guys didn't enjoy the workout too much.

– Great to see my Rucking buddy from Saturday, DDP. And great to see many of the usual faces. Most notably Lego, who is the Q autocorrect. If you ever need to know how you are Qing wrong, Lego will help you out. 

– Praying for MQ Two Buck as he gets eye surgery later this week. Hope to see you back out soon man.

– If you are a runner, or a walker, sign up for the Christina Latini Memorial 8k run or 2 mile walk. Go it solo or with the family. Find more info and sign up here: https://latinimemorial8k.racesonline.com/home


