A Pax of 17 Took to The Sword

Event Date

Jun 12, 2017

A Pax of 17 Took to The Sword….

Also in attendance but not signed up on the website, Red Rider, Rocker, Renaissance, and FNG Mark Mosley (Pheonix).

It was about 5:30 PM yesterday when I realized nobody signed up to Q The Sword so it was up to YHC to devise a plan.  After a weekend of celebratory events, I needed something to start the week off in the right direction.  I was running a little late this morning, but was pleased to see about 10 Pax eagerly waiting.  After a few pleasantries and a few more Pax showing up, the clock struck 5:30 and it was time to get to work.  Here is our story….


Run around the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, karaoke, and then circle up.  All exercise in cadence unless noted otherwise.

20 – SSH

10 – Cotton Pickers

15 – IST

15 – Toy Soldiers

The Thang:

Thee Burpee

10 – Pull Ups

20 – ‘Mercans

30 – Squats

Lap around the second island. 

Repeat-o two times for a total of 3 rounds.

Mosey over to the fire pit area and find a spot on the wall.

10 – Dips

10 – ‘Dercans

10 – Incline ‘Mercans

Lap around the grassy knoll and to the cars and back to the pit.


Mosey over to the rock pile and find one yo’ mama would be proud of.

15 – chest press with low flutter

15 – Bent over rows

15 – Curls

Lap around the 2nd island and back to your rock.


15 – Skull crushers

10 – Squat thrusters OYO

10 – Shoulder presses




10 – Pretzel Crunches

20 – LBC’s

20 – Low Flutters

Recover, recover…


What a great start to the week.  I always enjoy the opportunity to Q and hope I didn’t disappoint.  I thought I had a pretty good workout planned that would challenge the Pax until I saw Scrappy ahead of me carrying a rock and doing his laps and I still couldn’t pass him.  Q fail.  Firestone was nipping at Scrappy’s heels on all the laps today, strong work by both.  Everyone was putting in the effort and getting stronger.  Welcome Mark Mosley, now known as Phoenix.  There’s a saying around here “It doesn’t get easier, you just get better at it”.  Thanks for following me around this morning and hope your day is better for it.  I know mine is.  Until next time, I’ll see you in the gloom.