A Pax of 4 Got Stronger at The Sword

Event Date

Dec 05, 2016

The threat of rain + cold conditions scared off a lot of Pax this morning.  The fart sack was strong. Especially when Garbage Plate pre-blasted that he was going to run the standard beforehand, only to be pulled in by the fart sack.  Carpet Bagger defied all odds and ran solo.  Good work man.  So out of the gloom two more cars rolled into the parking lot at 5:25.  Thanks to Scrappy and Amen for not letting the power of the fart sack pull you in.  5:30 rolled in and we took off.  This is what we did…


Run through the parking lot adding high knees, karaoke, and butt kickers.  Circle up at the pull up bars. SSH x 20 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC

The Thang:

Since it is the 12th month of the year, it seemed only fitting to do 12 exercises, IC when necessary. Each exercise was followed by a lap.  The first lap was the first island, Each exercise that followed, we increased the distance of the lap by going to the next furthest island.  All exercises started at the pull up bars.

12 – Burpees OYO; lap (1st island closest to pull up bars)

12 – Pull Ups OYO; increased distance by one island (2nd island closest to pull up bars)

12 – Mercans IC; increased distance by one island (3rd island closest to pull up bars)

12 – Squats IC; increased distance by one island (4th island closest to pull up bars)

Repeat-o, but do all exercises with 10 reps instead of 12.  Run the same laps for each exercise.

Mosey over to the rock pile by the cars and pick a non-traveling rock.  Each exercise was followed by a quick lap (first island from where we were exercising).

12 – Curls IC; lap

12 – Skull crushers IC; lap

12 – Bent-over Rows IC; lap

12 – Rock swings OYO; lap

Repeat-o, decrease each exercise by two for (10) reps.  Repeat-o for a 3rd set and decrease each exercise again by two for (8) reps.  


20 – Crunch Frogs IC

15 – Mason Twists IC

10 – J-Lo's in honor of Capet Baggers infatuation with J-Lo's at his birthday Q last week.

Recover, recover.

Strong work by all today.  Carpet Bagger's watch said we logged close to 3 miles today, but I think that's a little high.  Regardless everyone today did great work and kept the heart rate elevated.  Amen, awesome job as always.  Keep up the good work.  Scrappy did his thing and was busting out of the gates like the mechanical rabbit at a Greyhound track.  Carpet Bagger, strong work + the standard put you in over 5 + miles today.  Garbage Plate, you were so fast today, it was almost like you didn't show.  Next time, slow down a little and hang back with us amateurs.

Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure to lead such a fine group of men.  12 months ago, I would never thought I could do this.  Thank you F3 for all that you have given me.  I look forward to seeing you again in the gloom.  

Oh yeah, shameless plug, The Sword has so many great toys to play with.  It would be awesome for you to sign up and lead.  Until next time…