A Pectacular Burn

Event Date

Nov 01, 2024

Morning after Halloween is always rough and this morning was no different. But 9 pax including YHC got after it and we’re all better for it. 



Partner up. Partner 1 KB press on the bench AMRAP while partner 2 runs the green lap as the timer. That kinda burned so let’s repeato. Oh yeah – the burrrrrrrn. Threepeato!

Then same with KB flies. The fire in the pecs is REAL now.

Same but now skull crushers. 

Enough running – we circled up for lotsa reps of curls. 
Then slow dead lifts (for YHC’s back). 
Then repeato the curls with 20 more in cadence.

Time for Mary. We passed it around. 

Recover, recover
