A Pectacular end to the week

Today was day 5 of Ultra Week and the bells and upper body were the focus considering this is a taper week as well

Mosey with bells Zamperini to landing pad


Mobility Moment up & down dog

Wind Mill

Forward Fold with arms folded moving side to side

Arm Circles


The Thang 

Zamperini to platform by Gilead/115 & circle up

11 Pax makes the sequencing a little off and YHC was the odd man out (that’s a softball for anyone)

Curls 25.5 IC

Single Arm press R & L 10 IC

5 Pax get on 5 benches with 2 bells for 25 chest press 

Remaining Pax plank

Switch so other Pax can complete Chest Press 

Repeat but this time 20 flys while the other Pax do a reverse plank

Circle up for more exercises:

Upright Row 15 IC

Lawn mower 10 IC R&L side

Traveler 10 IC R&L

Side to sides 10 IC

Side to side with bell held out straight 5 IC

Round the world 10 IC R&L

On your six

Low Flutter with a Bell Press 15 IC

Slow Danger Zone 10


Mosey back to landing pad passing the bell from hand to hand for Mary

American Hammer with Bell 15 IC

WW2 w/ bell 10

Side plank w/ bell up R&L

Bell across your body to opposite shoulder Merkins R&L 

Mobility Moment

Spinal Twist R&L



YHC seriously considered ending early for Coffee but wasn’t sure when Main St. Coffee opened? Not knowing, we pressed on and an. Great mumble chatter as usual which had to be spoken loudly over the roar of the traffic on Giliead. 


The Force shared an unfortunate soap accident with us today. If you see him ask?

Goat has heard that Jennifer Beals is a fan of cotton.

Topgun is about to rock out with the best the 80s has to offer on a Jam cruise. Enjoy and don’t forget the Everclear.

Toxic became a master bell balancer during the flys.

Snake Eyes went along with my messed up STM Bell up, and I appreciate

it. You are a better man than me.

Blackbeard is looking dapper and clean cut so the name is throwing us a little.

JimmyO busted through the workout and didn’t seem phased by any of it.

Die Hard took Ultra Week seriously and attended every bootcamp, stretch, and Fartlek this week. Strong work and accountability.

Crimson paired up with Toxic on the platform and made sure he didn’t drop the bels on his face. Way to look out for a brother.

Rodeo was concerned for my safety asking if I was stuck during the Upward dog – thanks for the concern.


That ends Ultra Week. I chose this week to combine my F3 anniversary and bday. I learned it is tiring to put together 5 straight workouts, including a running and stretch workout. It is also a personal challenge, which is why we continue to do these silly things. Push yourself each day, if you don’t you will regret it and that’s no way to go through life. Thanks to F3 and my brothers for a great 5 years. I look forward to many more.

