A Pectacular KB Workout

Event Date

Oct 11, 2019

Ultraman and Crablegs ran the standard, no telling how many miles.  Ultra stayed for the additional beatdown, Crablegs left but was soon seen again at Coffeteria.

The PB stated this would be pectacular and would involve no running.  Check and check. We barely even walked, and we spent ample time on the benches doing KB presses (pecs), KB flies (pecs), should press, curls, skull crushers.  All from the benches.  Some core work was done throughout, and curls and upright rows were done before we even left for the benches.  Throw in some pull-ups, knee-ups and wall work, and it actually sounds like we were productive today…

Oh, and all to unappreciated tunes from the portable Bose speaker.

Warm-o-rama did not even include SSHs (similar to, perhaps, 0.5% of the F3 workouts) as we were not working the legs at all today!


Pax avoided 15 burpees to start the workout thanks to Ultraman forcing his teenage son to watch the WBNA "for the fundamentals".  Ultraman was able to answer the trivia question correctly – "Who won the WNBA Championship last night?"  It was, in fact, the Washington Magistics won the series 3-2.

Frogger continued his pax eductional series on Indian pornography and cinematography review of the movie, Human Catipillar.  An intervention and counseling may be in order very soon.

The music was Spotify channel Top 50.  Mostly hip-hop which drew some light complaints, confused looks and a lot of N-word and F-word drops for an elementary school…  But also included some T-Swizel and a hint of Ozzy.  This is YHC's grass-cutting channel.

When YHC first arrived, Frogger could be spotted laying on the pavement of the parking lot flailing around.  YHC was worried he'd been the vitim of a hit and run.  Nope, he "claimed" he was doing Mary.  YHC thinks differently, and he appeared to truly be in "doing Mary" mode when he called for some very optically uncomfortable ab/hip/groin plank thrusters in unison with Ultraman.

Hope everyone's pecs and Frogger's concious are all sore tomorrow.  Aye.