A Picnic with Skipper

Event Date

Nov 19, 2016


11 PAX emerged on a beautiful day to learn that Skipper had arranged for a picnic at a local church.  

Skipper was at the helm:


20 IC Seal Jacks

10 IC Tony Hawks

10 IC Copper Head Squats

Football Drill

Da' Tang:

Partner Up

Partner 1 Runs backwards out of the AO towards the church (About .7miles away?) and Partner 2 performs high-knees facing their partner.  Q calls "swap" and partner swap positions.  We do this until we are halfway there.

Sailview Rd. Hill-O-DOOM:

Same Partners-

Partner 1: Sprints to the top of the Big Hill

Partner 2: Monkey Humpers until partner arrives back, then swap

Continue Reverse Run/High Knee Partner Run to the church!

At the Church Picnic tables:

Round 1-

Partner 1: Fast run around circumfrence of the church

Partner 2: Picnic Table Dips (Swap Partners)

Round 2-

Partner 1: Same run

Partner 2: Merkin Picnic Table Crosses (Perform a Merkin at each level of the table and benches) Swap

Round 3-

P1: Same Run

P2: Incline Merkins (Ground to bench)

Round 4-

P1: Same Run

P2: Derkins (Feet up on table bench)

Round 5- (Mosey over to church parking lot)

P1: Sprint 4 corners of the lot w/ 3 burpees at each corner

P2: Wall Plank Walk-ups (In plank position, walk feet up the wall until you are vertical and then come back down, repeat

Partner Parking Lot Fun:

Round 6-

Sprint Vollies (Alternating sprints by each partner the length of the parking lot) 50 yards?

Bear Crawl Mirrors (Each partner bear crawls from alternating sides of parking lot, fist bumps at the middle(ish) and then crawl bears back to original position)

Fiddler Crab Mirrors (Same but with a real sucky exercise)

Indian Run back to AO – BUT, last person sprints to the front AND if the Q calls your name that PAX member leads the team with a merkin variation of their choice 5 reps IC.  (About 5 or so rotations happend)


20 IC WWI Sit-Ups

20 IC Plank-Ups

20 IC Box Cutters

10 IC Fire Hydrant L

10 IC Fire Hydrant R

:60 Merican' Hamma


Isaiah 40: Verse 31-

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

So often I find myself on Empty.  Sometimes spiritually, mentally, physically, whatever.  Like a lot of people, I fail to let go of some of my burdens that are constantly being put on our backs to carry.  Most of these burdens we put on ourselves.  It's when I feel that I'm on empty that I stop and think about what it is that's draining my battery.  It's usually small stuff.  Force yourself to take stock of what you are carrying around.  Put it on the mental shelf for awhile and come back to it later and see if you should still be carrying it.  Let Go and Let God is a phrase I constantly remind myself of almost daily.  Give it to the Lord, our everlasting fuel.


*11 strong for a Saturday, good stuff

*Great pre-running with Vortex.  He's back, and he's going to be faster then ever.  

*Abrams "thanks" me for the running and leg workout today, since he has to do a 20-miler tomm. Nice problem to have

*Our 2.0s Comet and Frisbees are AWESOME.  They never complain, at least to other people besides their Dad, and they just go w/ the flow and work hard.  Good life lessons.

*Mulligan shows up on a Saturday.  He said that he missed us.

*Dandelion dresses for a 20 degree day as usual.  No offense.  We'll be borrowing some layers from you soon.  Side note, i'll probably need some of you to hold him back next time I see him.

*Gilette doesn't give me much material to work with verbally, but man he works out like a BOSS

*Very little smoke in the air today, there was however a lot of smoke aimed at the Q.  

*As always, an honor to lead and be led by you men today.  Have a great weekend!
