A Polar Bear Primer Workout at The Cauldron

The Polar Bear is tomorrow!  We had to get ready! * Here is what we did today at The Cauldron.

0500:  ~2 mile run standard with Frogger and YHC.  YHC then protected the Tesla with some nearby cones.

0530:  Put kettle bells down for a minute, and we were off.


  • Mosey to the top of the deck, including butt kickers, high knees, Quadraphilia, exaggerated long striders, and Karaoke L/R along the way
  • Mosey back down via the stairs
  • Grab all the cinder blocks from the bottom level, move to level 1 along with kettle bells
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 minute

The "Polar Bear Primer" thing:

 * I mean, I don't know if we are any MORE prepared now for the Polar Bear.  But we aren't any LESS prepared, right?

  • Move all the blocks and kettle bells up one level to level 2
  • Arrange in a nice 2 x 1 or 2 x 2 stack for some box jumps.  Break into teams of 3.
  • Pax 1:  Runs down a level then bear crawls up
  • Pax 2:  Box jumps AMRAP
  • Pax 3:  Kettle bell swings AMRAP
  • Rotate through all 3 exercises, then repeato
  • Plank while waiting
  • Slow deep KB squats x 15 IC (get as low as a block standing upright)
  • Front shoulder press x 10 IC
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Full curls x 10 IC
  • Move all the blocks and kettle bells up one level to level 3
  • Repeato all above ^
  • Move all the blocks and kettle bells up one level to level 4
  • Pax 1:  Runs down a level then bear crawls up
  • Pax 2:  Box jumps AMRAP
  • Pax 3:  Kettle bell swings AMRAP
  • Rotate through all 3 exercises, then repeato
  • Running out of time so we then put all the blocks away

Recover, recover.  According to Strava we covered 1.33 miles in various ways.


  • Several prayer requests for families of friends and co-workers, and for our friend Crocs.
  • Qbert AND Amen noticed the cones alongside the Tesla and simply chose to block in the Tesla.  Well played!  Perhaps one more cone would've done the trick. 
  • Good to see so many fit Pax who clearly haven't been skipping bootcamps like YHC.  T-Claps especially to the clown car consisting of Holiday, Deep Dish, and Little Professor.  You guys all crushed it today.
  • Coffeeteria was on point.  Feel like YHC got to catch up with almost everyone today (next time, Tuffy and Qbert) which makes for a very fine morning.
  • The Wilderness shovel flag (newly created!) will be passed next week from Topgun to Amen.  Let's show them some love next week!
  • The Hollywood MQ will be Goodlife soon.  Strong work Mr. Gnarly Goat at that AO!
  • Appreciate the opportunity to lead The Force.  And, appreciate you taking on MQ responsibilities for a second time in your F3 Career.  Folks, I urge you to help out new MQs with a Q.  See above, creativity is not required!  But the gesture will be appreciated by the MQs and the Pax will appreciate the variety of leadership week to week.

 – Turnpike