A Pyramid Built on Squats, Mericans, Burpees and … J-Lo?

Carpetbagger filled the calendar back in January so when he asked me about a March date, I grabbed it thinking we’d be back in the warm temps by then. Not so. With temps still hovering around the freezing mark, we set out on what would be the last Gladiator workout in the dark until November.

Admittedly, YHC arrived with only a couple of minutes to spare and the men were already assembling (well, except Rodeo). Having been chastised at past Qs for starting late, we moseyed right at 0530 in the direction of the pull up bars. Making sure we had no FNGs (and therefore all cadence pros), instructions were given to optionally knockout max rep pullups while the rest of us began with SSH x50 IC (clearly not a fan favorite).

From there we moved to the near corner where YHC began a square pyramid with slow squats. Once finished, we moseyed to the next corner (Toxic pointed out that it wasn’t really a corner per se) where we again did slow squats and then tacked on side-to-side ‘mericans. We would continue that pattern, running to each of 4 “corners” around the parking lot as each set was repeated with another exercise added each time, building up to a 10-exercise set as time expired.

In order from foundation to peak:

  1. Slow Squat x10 IC (Blackbeard)
  2. Side-to-side ‘Merican x10 IC (Toxic)
  3. Burpees x10 OYO (Good Life)
  4. J-Lo x10 IC (Amen)
  5. WW2 Situps x10 OYO (Happy Gilmore)
  6. Stretch (Crocs)
  7. Glute Bridge random counts (Rodeo)
  8. Pillow Talk, each side x10 IC (Carpetbagger)
  9. Jump Squats x10 SC (The Force)
  10. Groiners x10 IC (Soprano)


  • When counting off, I couldn’t decide whether to start with Toxic or Soprano. I thought I made the wrong choice for most of the workout, until Soprano wrapped up with groiners
  • Rodeo & The Force thought the intructions were unclear when we started which is why they were #7 and #9 respectively, giving them time to adust to the concept
  • The pax questioned Good Life (and rightly so) when he called burpees for the 3rd set
  • BS calls picked up in frequency as we went, but I assumed they were pointed at others since I wasn’t the one picking the exercises
  • Crocs is the MVP of the morning for calling various stretch poses at #6 effectively giving YHC time to catch my breath; surely I wasn’t the only one
  • The MQ added pullups despite clear instructions to max out at the start; I suppose the MQ doesn’t have to follow the Q at his own AO
  • Overheard: Crocs commented on his 69 with Soprano #S2K
  • J-Lo was Jello by the time this workout was over
  • We had to modify to allow time for Soprano to get in his 10-rep set, and then immediately regretted it

Prayers up for Canuck as he has a kidney stone medically removed this morning. Get out and support the Qs — lots of pax taking a leadership role in the gloom. Thanks to CB for asking me to fill a spot at Gladiator. Make it a great day. Aye!