a pyramid of sprints

10 brave Men of Denver weren't afraid of the cold temps and posted for a Clark running beatdown.

COP included the following exercises of between 5-20 IC of each
Prisoner Squats
Monkey Humpers
30 second hot foot, each foot
Dippy Birds
Toy Soldiers

The work
Warmup yogging for 15 minutes around the parking lot ending up at the end of the parkinglot
0:10 Sprint with a 2:00 recovery mosey/walk/rest
0:20 Sprint with a 2:00 recovery mosey/walk/rest
0:30 Sprint with a 2:00 recovery mosey/walk/rest
0:30 Sprint with a 2:00 recovery mosey/walk/rest
0:20 Sprint with a 2:00 recovery mosey/walk/rest
0:10 Sprint with a 2:00 recovery mosey/walk/rest
Cooldown laps (Mosey pace) until 0608

All 10 PAX picked an exercise of which I can't remember, but they were epic.


Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.

Many things of this world are trying to make us…more worldly, Stand firm in the word of God, for it never changes.