A rainy day in the prison yard with spiders…

Event Date

Apr 18, 2020

20 Side straddle hops

15 Cotton pickers

10 High knees

5 Toy Soldiers 


1 Lap – 400 m


SP – Exercise 

10 – 5 Prison Pushups(burpee w/ 3 pushups)

20 – (10+) 10 Tarantulas (Lunge Lunge Squat) 

30 – (20+) 15 Star Crunches

40 – (30+) 20 Mtn Climbers 

50 – (40+) 25 Burpees

40 – (30+) 20 Mtn Climbers 

30 – (20+) 15 Star Crunches

20 – (10+) 10 Tarantulas 

10 – 5 Prison Pushups


Wall Sit 1:00 


1 Lap 400 m


50 Flutter Kicks (each leg)

40 Penguins (each side)

30 LBC 

20 Plank Jacks 

10 Jane Fonda (each side)


10-8-6-4-2 Pull-Ups w/ ladder foot work between rounds (added to finish the hour) 


Mobility & Stretching to finish 


Reflection: Philippians 1:9-10