A Rainy Day Keeps the PAX Away

Event Date

Apr 24, 2017




YHC doesn't know if it was the rain, or the promise of the Murph that kept the PAX away from the Sword this morning. The rain didn't totally give the dreary wearies to two PAX, although it was enough to suggest an audible. The awning called to us, it was to convinient to pass up. We did, however, decide to forgo a nice relaxing spring shower under the awning for a good old fashion beat down 20 seconds at a time!

The Thang: 
7 exercises
8 rounds each
20s of max effort work followed by 10s of rest
1/2 lap run between each exercise

The scheme is generally Upper, Lower, Abs…repeat with the final round being burpees. If a running lap is incorporated you can get 7 exercises in. 20sec is a bit short for flutter kicks. 

WWII Sit Ups
Carolina Dry Docks
Flutter Kicks
Makhtar N'Diayes


It must have rained much more than expected, LFC was pretty flooded, we are really fortunate to have access to that awning. I don't think the PAX recognized any of the music I played unitl Master of Puppets came on for the final burpee set (what timing). Tabata seems to be a great way to ensure everyone gets equally smoked. There is something about that 20s time that gives people a false sense of confidence, and they burn out on the first set, then it's pain and regret for the next 7!