A reasonable amount of running at Fallout

Jolly had asked the day before if YHC wanted to do the River Rat 10K as a "Standard".  "Meh" was the answer, wanted to keep the running light.  Which one could argue we did.  It went something like this today at Fallout:

0430:  Jolly and BEP (any others?) for the RR10K.

0520:  Step out of the car with only 2 shirt layers.  Quickly realize this was clearly a 3 layer situation; and the cotton hooded sweatshirt was needed.

0530:  With the 11 total PAX listed above (BEP left), we did something like:


  • Short mosey around the parking lot which included high knees, butt kickers, Karaoke L/R, Quadraphilia, and long striders.
  • Disclaimer given.  I think?
  • SSH x 10 IC
  • IST x 10 IC

The Thing:

Tire out a muscle group.  Perform a “hold” while tired, but make the time go by faster by learning stuff about each other.


  • Grab a cinder block.  We had exactly enough!  (Until Snake Eyes broke one)
  • Zamporini carry to the hills by the football field
  • Crawl bear up the hill
  • CDD x 15 OYO
  • Bear crawl down the hill
  • CDD x 10 OYO
  • Front shoulder press with blocks x 10 IC
  • Invisible punching speed bag for 1 minute.  #Fretwell
  • Hold cinder block over head while each PAX stated:
  • F3 Name + # Years / Months in F3


  • Run a speedy lap around the track
  • Slow deep cinder block squats x 10 IC
  • Jump over your blocks x 25 OYO
  • Slow deep cinder block squats x 10 IC
  • Lunge walk a bit
  • Hold cinder block in low squatted position, while each PAX stated:
  • Who EH'd you into F3?

We ran another lap.  Or maybe that was later.  Can't recall.


  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Crab walk a bit
  • Decline Diamond Mericans off block (yep) x 10 IC
  • Hold cinder block in flexed skull crusher position, while each PAX stated:
  • The AO of their first post


  • High, Low, Full curl all x 7 IC
  • Hold cinder block in flexed curl position, while each PAX stated:
  • The AO of their first Q.
  • Note:  Mona Lisa at this point was guilted into Qing at the Fallout on Christmas by LawnDart!
  • Note 2:  It would be his VQ!
  • Note 3:  Christmas doesn't fall on a Tuesday  🙁

Return blocks. 

Over by the benches we did:

  • Dips x 20 OYO
  • Step ups x 10 each leg OYO
  • Lunge walk around the bathroom building
  • Dips x 20 OYO
  • Step ups x 10 each leg OYO


  • Side-ways plank walk a ways along a curb
  • Low flutter x 25 IC (though some stopped at 20, and the Q did notice)
  • Plank while each PAX stated their favorite AO
  • LBCs x 25 IC.

Recover, recover.  We covered 1.2 miles according to Strava which is clearly within acceptable limits for a boot camp.


  1. Prayers for safety for all the little trick-or-treaters tonight.  As Chris Berman used to say on "NFL Primetime" every year; "look out for little ghosts and ghoblins tonight while driving".  They are small.  They are excited.  They don't see cars at night very well.  Drive safely please.
  2. Snake Eyes:  OG !  Original Post:  "The Garage at Oakhurst".  5 + years.  And still a beast, still breaking cinder blocks with his bare hands, aye!
  3. Bob Ross's first AO was in Raleigh.  4 years in F3, did I get that correct Sir?
  4. Mona Lisa; 2 months in F3.  Aye!  Looking strong out there bud.  Where / when will the VQ be?
  5. Thank you Lawn Dart for the opportunity to Q.  Lawn Dart was offended if you stated a favorite AO other than Fallout.
  6. Blackbeard's favorite AO is The Blender.  To Jolly:  "Well the only time I was there Jolly was the Q and it was sort of do-able".  Jolly:  "Thanks!  Wait…"
  7. Sweet C:  5 years strong as well.  Wanted more upper body work today…sorry but #scrawnyguyproblems prevented that.  Will try and do better the next time.
  8. Kumquat and YHC are sad, broken down Achilles injury guys.  Jolly:  "At least we got the best from you guys at BRR this year".  Heal up buddy, let's get back out there soon together for a run when both healed.  Also at the beginning of the workout said:  "Haven't been to a bootcamp in like 6 months because of my shoulder".  Er…sorry about the shoulder opening today…
  9. 66:  Favorite AO is Fallout.  First Q?  Was it where we do "Sharknado"?  What was the name of that and why aren't we still working out there?  Clearly, we need another Sharknado soon.
  10. El Chapo:  The usual cliches apply.  He's 29.  He's fast.  But did you know he has a twin?  You do now.
  11. Jolly:  Provided the comic relief / 2nd F today.  Tried to give away his smelly shirt:  no takers.  Joked that his EH BEP is "no longer posting" lol.  Complained on Strava that we did too much running but he loves running.  Joked that Ramrod is secretly running everything in our region and doing a darn fine job too! 

It twas a fine crew and a fine morning today gents, thanks!