A ReTIREment Party With A Couple of Drag Queens

YHC couldn’t sleep last night. I’m not sure if it was the lack of snacking before bedtime (which is a break from my normal bad habit) or the excitement of what was to come. Either way, I was awake by 0345, out of bed by 0400 and moving toys to the AO by 0430. By the time I was done, it was 0450 and I was a sweaty mess. Humidity off the charts this morning, but at least the rain held off for my re-TIRE-ment party.

Nordberg and Titan joined me at 0500 for a pre-party standard. We averaged a 9:45 pace — just right for me as I slowly reacquaint myself with my former BRR form. We completed a 2+ mile loop with a little time for rest and setup after as the other party guests began to arrive. Some may have known about the tires, but it’s doubtful any but Titan knew they had grown in size since the last time they made an appearance at The Cauldron.

Warm-up? But It’s Already Warm!

  • SSH x20 IC

Ultraman rolled up on his scooter during SSH so I modified on the fly to accomodate his IR status,  and wound up making it harder for everyone else:

  • Downward Dog
  • Scorpion Dry Dock x12 IC
  • Slow Squat x10 IC
  • Balance on one leg with a seal clap x10 IC
  • Repeato on other leg x10 IC

Let the Re-TIRE-ment Party Begin (but first, grab your kettle bell)

We prancercised over to the loading dock area where I already had the tires set up along with a couple of medicine balls and some 10# bricks Titan had provided. The plan was to have the guys move from station to station with 1-2 men each dragging a tire. These “drag queens” would be our timers with the men at the other stations doing AMRAP of each exercise until the queens returned. The stations were as follows:

  1. Tire drag forward ~20 yards, quadrophelia (with tire) back
  2. Bent-over Fly (2-10# bricks)
  3. KB Pullover (upper back on bench; KB behind head to overhead)
  4. People’s Chair w/ KB Zamperini
  5. Medicine Ball against wall
  6. 8-Count Burners with KB

I had a weinke with 10 stations with plans for up to two per station. With 11 party goers, I reduced that to 6 stations and yet somehow we still had rotations where no one was manning a tire leaving the rest wondering how long to AMRAP. Whenever I noticed that happening, I would break rank and drag a tire myself. We got in 3 to 4 rounds each before picking up our toys to get ready for our date with Mary.

Never Too Tired for Mary

YHC opted to share the fun by letting the pax take turns with Mary.

  1. YHC: Pretzel Crunch x15 IC (each side)
  2. Titan: Spread Eagle x10 OYO
  3. Mona Lisa: Box Cutter x20IC
  4. The Count: Hand-release Merkin x15 IC
  5. Bob Ross: Freddy Mercury x15 IC
  6. Amen: J-Lo x15 IC

My watch was showing 0614, but Nordberg said his was 0615, we discussed it for 15 seconds to let my watch move forward at which time I called Recover x2.

Party Favors for Everyone!

  • I planned a circuit to keep cycling through muscle groups, but this required using several locations at the AO which split the pax up too much and adversely affected the 2ndF glue. I will probably  look for a way to keep the pax together at the next tire rally (what do you mean “next”?!)
  • YHC gave Titan a hard time for modifying almost every station. But the reverse toss of the medicine ball on the wall (back to wall, rotate side to side tossing ball against wall and catching it it) was a great addition. #BZ
  • Speaking of Titan, he also came by last evening to help get the tires set up for the harnesses (drilling through steel radials takes some time) and supplying the bricks last minute for the bent over fly.
  • Cobains to Sweet C (aka Sweet Chimichanga) for asking him to bring extra toys but then not using them. I figure it got him out of the FS so it’s still a win. I care about your fitness.
  • With 66 MIA, Knockout tried to pass himself off as him in COT. It almost worked.
  • Titan talks…a lot. I gave him the 2nd exercise in Mary just to shut him up. But then he pulls out Lawn Dart’s dumb Spread Eagles (situps with feet together, knees outward) which made me regret my decision.
  • Jimmy O showed off his former Heavy 001 skills by dragging the tire all the way to Titan’s car at end of workout. I tried to catch him with the 2nd tire, but dang those things aren’t light.
  • The (tiny) tires Turnpike brought are gone. The Count thinks Q-bert may have pilfered them for Foundry. Currently Titan has his big rig tires and the harnesses to go with them. Beware of his next Q.
  • Ultraman was amazing today. Cast and scooter for a broken ankle and still managed most of the stations with minor modifications. Thanks also for joining me for coffee after — the runners didn’t stick around for chatter.
  • Mona Lisa’s BBQ is this weekend. It’s a perfect opportunity to fatten up so that you too can legitimately order a #Clydesdale tee which is open again for order on the MudGear site for a limited time.
  • Scrappy is looking for more runners to push a chariot in the Race to Zero 5K on June 2nd. You can save $10 with code “F3Zero”. He somehow talked YHC into doing it so no one has any excuses (except maybe Ultraman).
  • We’ll be roasting Mortimer (who ran the Boston Marathon and helped a great deal in making runners out of non-runners in LKN). Join us Friday, May 25th at the Wynfield Forest clubhouse (Wilderness AO). Get all the details on the website (yes, we still have one) — f3lkn.com
  • Best of luck to all the Heavy 006 participants in the mountains this weekend. While not on my bucket list, I have big repsect for all those who complete that brutal CSAUP event.

Many thanks to The Count for managing a great kettlebell AO. Equal thanks to all the F3rs that have supported me over the past 4 years (and putting up with all my pessimistic mumblechatter). I’m down 50# since January and feeling great despite still being squarely in the Clydesdale barn. Diet is important, but F3 plays an big role too of keeping me motivated. Join me for my next Q at Mighty Oak next week. There won’t be tires, but I’ll still find ways to burn off all your taco calories from the day before. Aye!


