A Return to the SweatShop

Event Date

Mar 04, 2021

23 men showed, most of them not on the website, and a few of them with the same names as other LKN Pax who are on the website. Noticeably absent was Hipster. We even did calf raises for him. Great to see some of the old school regulars like The Duke, Early, and STP. There was also a 2nd post FNG, now named Seacrest.

The Sweatshop is one of the strongest workouts in F3 LKN, with exellent 2nd F at Summit post workout. Get out there and experience it. The Sweatshop also happens to be where YHC started F3, thanks to a masterful Ramrod EH job. It is a privilege to lead the Pax there. 

The workout and post workout words were an ode to Grouch, who Q'ed my first F3 workout. All I remember was a ton of merkins, monkey humpers, and pain. So that's what we did. 

Grouch – thanks again for the opportunity to Q and for being one of the men who showed me what F3 is all about. 
