A Rocky Road at Fission

The gloom was a pot of lukewarm coffee-with-no-creamer for nine pax willing to jog in the fog, rock on the block, stretch on the fetch, and impart their will on the hill.  

YHC arrived early to find Cousin Eddie's family truckster already present in its normal anchorage, while the good cousin himself was expectedly absent, undoubtedly out-and-about on a 7'ish pace standard.  Finding myself alone, I delivered one standing side kick, and launched on a slow warm-up lap around the glorious AntiquiTeeter.  Around back the bread man was dutifully unloading trailer of pan-tastic loaves.  On the back side I was passed by a Dodge Charger that was too loud, and going too fast.  Back around front I came across a Teeter worker enjoying a lung dart and a YouTube video.  Already this was a morning I could hang my hat on, and we hadn't even launched the pain yet.

By now Jersey Boy was coasting in, doing that cool thing where you turn off your vehicle engine and lights before you actually coast into your parking spot, and jump out of your car with a fair amount of swagger.  Despite his grand entrance, we learned that the Jersey Boy was under the weather, but was concerned about his duty as Q, and wanted to fulfill his HC for Chilly Willy.  Following a through exam, which included the obligatory hernia and prostate checks, we dismissed Jersey Boy back to the comfort of his bed, where we assume he rests until this very minute.   

The rest of the pax (minus Titan) trickled in.  Scrappy had joined Cousin Eddie for at least 25 yards of his standard.  Blackbeard was listening to Time-Life Classic Country Gold '74.  

With Jersey Boy gone to infirm, and the rest of the forces (minus Titan) marshalled, we hit front leaning rest for some disclaiming, hovering, and other niceties.

Having been properly disclaimed, we adjourned for a mobile CoP which included all the normal what-nots, including but not limited to:  SSH, IST, Windmills, long snappers, etc.  We passed Dunkin Plaza, did something on the train track, and then sallied down the train track to procure some travelling baked potatoes.  

With potatoes in-hand, we sojourned to the Town Hall for some pain, then down to the Church for step-ups, then down the hill for a poetry recitation by YHC.

Down the hill we tumbled, all the way to the rock pile where we quietly had a weird, cult-ish rock thing.

Back up the hill we came with our potatoes, stopping at each light for mobility and other stuff… such as mericans.  Many mericans.  

Later on we did a thing in which we sort of threw our potatoes at one another.  Not sure about that one.  Arriving back at the launch pad, we lied down in the dampness to see about our core.

At some point along the way Titan was there.  

We got 2 miles, some strength, some mobility.  Prayers went up for many.  Possum arrived from Spearhead to enjoy coffee.

As of now, Jersey Boy is reporting that he is feeling a bit better already.  

It was a good morning.  Aye.