FNG#1 henceforth shall be known as Greyhound

24 Gents started the 1st work week of 2023 between rocks and a hill.  With 10 blocks in tow, enough to feed 20 hungry men, YHC had to shift gears and alter the plan due to sheer numbers.

After a quick Parking lot mosey and disclaimer, we dispensed with some of the standard warm-o-rama stuff: SSH, IST, Windmill, Slow Squat, ‘Merican Push-up, Plank Jack, Dying Cockroach.

Speaking of Standard stuff- Cousin Eddie went solo for one.  One standard that is. 

We left our warm and cozy place and headed off to find rocks and hills. Each man grabbed a rock and we gathered at the bottom of the north side of Horseshoe Hill.  The Thang was a Dora.  Plan for a lot of these in 2023.

Partner 1 runs to the intersection near the top of the hill and back:

Partner starts in on:

100 ‘Mericans

200 Squats

300 LBCs  

When partner 1 returns, swap and continue.

After completing round 1, we rolled into round 2:

100 WWII

200 Rock Curls

300 Bent over rows

Replace the rocks, Pledge Allegiance and mosey back for 2 minutes of MARY.


1. Guessing the new year brought a few who might have otherwise FS’d.  Keep coming out, gents.  And grab some Qs from this and other AOs.  You won’t regret it.

2. We had a good mix of old school and new(er) guys on site today. 

3. It was a close call between which lasted longer- the workout or the FNG naming.  It was the workout by a nose.

4. Welcome to Greyhound, FKA Tim Wolfe

5. Thanks for allowing me to lead this fine group this morning, Outlaw.  You’ve done well gathering your flock.