A salute to the patriach’s (Crimson & Gnarly Goat) of True Grit

Ever Wonder what would happen if you mixed a Crimson style beatdown with a Gnarly Goat style beatdown. Well, wonder no more. Today in honor of 2 of the great True Grit Q's, we took a little of this from Crimson & a little of that from Gnarly Goat and POOF! Instant workout.

Warm-a-rama (Crimson Style) I knew it was true Crimson style when I heard “this is only the warm-up?”

  • Mosey one lap around the parking lot the circle up

  • SHH X15 IC

  • Carolina Dry Dock X 10IC

  • Windmill X 15IC

  • Wide Americans X 10IC..Gnarly Goat NEVER say Merican..RESPECT!

  • Imperial Storm Trooper X 15IC

  • Crucifix American X 10IC

  • Cotton Pickers X 15IC

  • Americans X 10IC

The Thang

Stop #1: 4 Corners (A Crimson staple), Americans and pull ups at each corner (A Gnarly Goat staple)

  • Corner #1: Carolina Dry Dock X 10IC

  • Corner #2: Wide Americans X 10IC

  • Corner #3: Crucifix Americans X 10IC

  • Corner #4: 10 pull-ups YOY

Repeato X2

Stop #2: Block Party (a favorite of both)

PLOP: do one rep at the 1st parking space line, mosey to next line and do 2 reps, added a rep at each parking space up to 10 parking space. Totaled 55 reps on each set


  • 1st set: Squats

  • 2nd set: Curls

  • 3rd set: Squats

  • 4th set: Shoulder Presses

  • 5th set: lung walk

  • 6th set: Skull Crushers

Stop #3: Cardio Mary: Hills & Burpees (Gnarly Goat loves hills and Crimson is a burpee machine.)

                Mosey to St. Mark School service entrance hill.

                Bottom of the Hill: LBC X 20IC

                Sprint up the hill & do 5 burpees, return to bottom for next exercise

Repeato X 3 with W’s, Low Flutter Kicks, & BBC. Each X 20IC



  • There was a bunch of mumblechatter between Outlaw, Shaken, & S’mores. Not exactly sure what they were yapping about. Kinda sounded like the teacher from the Charlie Brown cartoons to me….Wahwahwahwahwahwah.

  • I did unjustly pin the burpees on Outlaw. In his Isotopian bio he expressed his pride of ND’s football Natl Championship over WVU. He hates burpees as much as I hate the Mountaineers losing, so I figured misery loves company. Sorry Outlaw, probably didn’t help that I had to watch WVU crap the bed in the 1st round of the NCAA’s the night before.

  • Ty Webb & Uncle Rico ran like they were shot out of a canon today. Nice work!

  • Also a shout out to Ramrod who double downed. Did True Grit with us then drove to GCC to Q Beacon