A sharknado with mini bonesaw

Event Date

Apr 10, 2023

Easter Sunday and 1830 with no Q for Mustang in the AM. YHC grabs the reins. Even though we pretty much did a Sharknado when the SLT was in town for a surprise inspection I figured it was time that Sharknado makes a return to a Mustang weekday beatdown. Preblast sent out and this why several took the blue pill… but this story is about the 4 that took the red pill. Which by the way I’m almost certain that our talk of a red pill now has peaked the interest of the FBI as discussing taking the red pill is considered a flag for hate speech. Anyways, here’s how it went down.

10 IC toy Soldiers
Mosey over to the area in front of the gym.

Sharnado is a simple but grueling beatdown.

15 Burpees
run 0.15 mile lap
20 diamond merkins
run 0.15 mile lap
20 WWII Sit-ups 
run 0.15 mile lap
20 merkins
run 0.15 mile lap
20 scorpion Carolina dry docks
run 0.15 mile lap

repeat the whole thing until we run out of time, which we did before anyone came close to finishing 5 rounds

None. You got it with the WWIIs

Mater pushed snooze which means he didn’t get a chance to push anything in the bathroom prior to F3.
Dirt was encouraged to post since the preblast called out you vs you
Travolta moved sand and gravel for hours yesterday and considered hitting snooze, but got up anyway and posted
We started with layers as the temps were in the low to mid 30’s. Layers were shed.
This Sharknado course includes 20 or so ft of elevation gain every lap which kinda gives it a little bonesaw effect as well.

Mark 16:6
”Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.” Now go read the rest of Mark 16.