A six pack through Osmosis?

Event Date

Jun 29, 2023

The call was issued for the 5 am standard and here comes Jobe who decided to make the long drive down to attend DS for the first time.  Yours truly had every intention but phone didn’t charge overnight for some reason so had to make sure phone had enough charge for playlist rocking out whatever Pandora chose identified as the Q’s favorite songs.  Pretty sure I never picked Taylor Swift so made a quick judgment call and changed to Linkin Park.  Can never go wrong with that choice.

So there was some concerns about DS becoming soft and not providing the challenge that this AO is known for and yours truly wanted to ensure all PAX attending would leave with a solid workout and dispel any such doubts.

Let’s get to it…

Warm-Up 10 minutes

  • Lap around track
  • Lunge to other side of field
  • Run 75% back
  • Bear crawl back to other side of the field
  • Run 80% back
  • Lap around track with partner (one partner Zamperini with kettle bell while other one is running, switch up till done with lap)

Run up and down Verhoeff Drive to Statesville Road and back

Tabata Stations x2

30 seconds on 10 seconds rest.  There were five of us which was perfect for everyone to rotate stations after each PAX went through all three exercises.


  • Muhammad Ali’s
  • Box Jumps
  • Burpees

Kettle Bells

  • KB Slow Curls
  • KB Squats
  • KB Swings

Rope Stations

  • Australian Pullups
  • Modified Pullups
  • Tricep Extensions


  • Pullups/Hang
  • Dips
  • Ball Toss/Ball Slam


  • Standing Battle Rope
  • Low squat battle rope
  • Seated battle rope (or kneeling)

Finish off with 2 1/2 minutes non stop plank which included the following for 30 seconds each:

  • Regular Plank Hold
  • Shoulder tap Planks
  • Plank hold on left side with dips
  • Plank hold on right side with dips
  • High/Low Up Down Plank hold

There wasn’t alot of mumble chatter during the workout which maybe meant the PAX were getting after it or focused on making sure they switched stations after each round. There were some extra exercises performed due to not understanding the flow, but hey You vs You and it only made them better.

  • Enron has a man crush on Jobe.  He kept on wanting to get closer to Jobe and through Osmosis get his physique.  Keep at it Enron, just away from us, and while we’re not watching, and don’t tell us about it.
  • Soprano crushed it.  Safe to say he’s well on the road to recovery and we definitely saw that today
  • Slingshot thought he couldn’t do the seated battle ropes and I never had a doubt in my mind he could do it.  Getting strong for baby coming soon!!
  • Glad you finally made it out to DS Jobe.  We truly enjoy having you around because you raise the bar for all of us and encourage us to DBAP.  And Enron likes looking at you.  Hope to see you out here more and hopefully pick up a Q or two.


  • Stomach Virus going through Q’s family and praying for complete healing over everyone
  • Slingshot and wife are expecting baby coming soon

Pleasure to lead you men in the gloom this morning.  We are better together and make sure to bring an FNG with you to future workout.  We all need this.