A Sketchy KB Workout, But No Etch?

Day 5/6 for WOTP. I often talk of “Q Legs” — the strange F3 phenomenon where a guy who normally remains in the middle or six within the pack, finds that extra bit of adrenaline to lead from the front and encourage his brothers in the gloom. Admittedly this Q is running out of steam and it takes that phenomenon just to stay in the middle. The plan was to show up around 0510 to come up with a suitable plan for the morning routine, but apparently the two standard bearers, The Count and The Force, procrastinated long enough that The Blackbeard got caught in their running net and wound up joining them on a 2 mile #standard. Note that Titan also did a solo standard that had something to do with playing HORSE with himself on the 4-foot basketball nets in the bus lot.


At 0531 we got started. The pax quickly realized this would not be your ordinary KB workout. YHC was making it up as he went and not satisfied with the norm.

  • Taxiing Cesna: this made-up-on-the-fly warmup routine involved walking (no, not a slow mosey) while holding hands above shoulders. We went from end of lot to stop sign. On the way back, I added that elbows should be locked and hands should be just slightly higher than shoulders.
  • Over/Under: Three lines, each with a 20# bell. Bell passes from man-to-man, over the head of the first, then under the legs of the next. As you pass the bell, run to back of line to continue pattern to stop sign.
  • Torso Twist: Same three lines with men alternating front to back and face to face. Pass bell to buy behind you by twisting torsos. Sounded good in my head, but in practice, I would chalk this us as a #fail.

With a “warm-up” complete, the pax were instructed to grab their bells (Sweet C and I also brought along two 35# bells) and head for the wall behind the school. There we did 20 curls while in People’s Chair. What the pax didn’t realize was that that was just filler work while I surveyed the back landscape for the next item on my agenda.

  • Three men (2 35# bells and 1 30#) throw bells forward, pick up and repeat from school to tree line, then Zamperini back. The rest of us are doing various KB sets, switching up each time a new set of men tossed the bigger bells.
  • Exercises included Shoulder Press, Skull Crusher, Lawn Mowers, Curl to Press, KB Swing, and something Spare led while I was tossing the 35# bell

Next we moved over to the loading dock which involved a limbo below a massive spider web.

  • One at a time, eax pax would muscle up on to the loading dock and then come down the stairs back into line
  • While waiting, the rest of the pax did AMRAP squats. Cycle through the muscle ups twice.

On to the benches behind the school where we had three men to a bench. Directions were to put shoulders on bench with lower back off the bench forcing you to engage core while doing some arm work.

  • Chest Presses x20 IC then a little creative maneuvering as pax were instructed to pass KBs between men on a single bench so that no one was using the same bell they just used.
  • Skull Crushers behind head to a clow cadence count of x15 IC.

With just a little time left, we headed back to the starting point for some Captain Thors. Pax had the choice of lying in wet grass or gravelly asphalt. YHC went with the grass which saves the coccyx from rubbing on the “sandpaper” texture of the asphalt thus tearing up the analus crackus. Most risked bodily harm to keep their sweaty shirts from getting wet. #gofigure

We wrapped things up at 0616. Some complained, but none seemed to care that we also started a minute late. You each got exactly what you paid for — a 45 minute workout. You’re welcome. Arrgh!


  • 16 men at The Cauldron is a great turnout. Thanks to everyone for supporting The Count, myself and Operation Sweet Tooth (if you purchased a patch).
  • Stapler gave me an unexpected birthday present: a bag of Black Rifle’s “Black Beard’s Delight”. That’s going to make it tough when I have to go back to Aldi brand beans later. Thanks!
  • Red Cedar is a new Garmin Vivoactive owner. I expect to start seeing him at Java on Thursdays and Tri training this Fall.
  • Deer Hunter joined us for the first time in forever. I hope this is the start for something regular for the Barkley neighbors.
  • Etch-a-sketch all but HCed for the workout yesterday. I even had him in mind as I planned some of the routines. But then he didn’t post. What’s with these guys in StoneGate Farms who renege on their HCs? (In fairness, at least 9-Lives made it to Wilderness after HCing for Mighty Oak.)
  • Sound off in the comments if you paid for a patch and I owe you one still. I think I recall Red Cedar, Snake Eyes, Deep Dish, Stapler and Titan giving me generous donations for OST. I will have patches at Mighty Jungle tomorrow and #coffeeteria after (probably Waterbean). Or I will get them to you next week.
  • Speaking of #WOTP, you have one day left to join me and this one will be fun. Mighty Jungle will be having fun and games (while still burning calories the whole time). See you at 0700 at St Mark.
  • Option #2 for Saturday morning is helping beautify the landscape around Grand Oak Elementary. It begins at 0730 (or whenever you can make it). See Roadie and Turncoat for details.
  • Option #3 for Saturday is posting with Jersey Boy at BRP. He will be donating $10 for every participant ($20 each if more than 10 post) and older 2.0s are welcome. I hate that you would miss out on #WOTP, but I can’t fault a guy for wanting to support OST in his own way.

