A Sleepy Dandelion

Event Date

Jul 16, 2020


It was a muggy Thursday morning and the parking lot of SUV was the last place any of us wanted to be at 5:30am, in fact some of us wanted to stay home so bad that they did. Even our fearless broad shouldered Q Dandelion was no where to be found.. so at 5:35am Mater called it and declared we would all Co-Q and get the thang done! 

Warm Up: 

  • SSH-15 IC 
  • Grandma Maters-15 IC 
  • Mountain Climbers-15 IC 
  • Toy Soldiers-10 IC 


Mater was so determined to spite Dandy that he declared this Thursday there would be NO Little Baby Hill or Block Trifectas! 

  • Run the Big Hill 
    • Jane Fonda's-20 per leg 
  • Run to the Club House and circle up in the parking lot 
    • Gecko said 15 Merkins on your own and take a lap around the community docks trail 
    • Finkle said 50 LBCs IC and take a lap around the community docks trail 
    • Strudel said 20 Carolina Dry Docks IC and take a lap around the community docks trail 
    • And just at that moment around 5:58am we hear thunderous foot steps behind us, Dandelion appeared from the darkness! 
    • Before we could get excited to see him Crabby Patty said 10 burpees on your own and take a lap around the community docks trail 
    • Dandelion said 20 pickle pounders and run back to the launch pad 
  • Once at the launch pad we found ourselves moseying back to the playground and boy we wish we didn't 
    • Dandelion said grab a block and do 50 Block Trifectas IC….FIFTY!!!!!!
    • Mosey back to the launch pad 


  • As Dandy would say..sprinkled throughout. 


There was not one shared yesterday morning but I will share a short word here.. from James chapter 2.. 

14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

What we do matters, I personally believe that having faith in Jesus is the hands down most important decision you will ever make in your life and I would love to talk with anyone of you who may have questions about that. But I also want to challenge you all in the truth that having faith in something challenges you to do something about it. If you tell me you believe one thing and live a totally different way then what good is your word? You can only recieve salvation through faith, but faith and works are a team in your everyday lives. God Bless Men. 


Mumble Chat: 

  • Matter deemed we change the oversleeping Q from Zippy to Dandy.. must have been before my time 
  • Little Baby Hill much better than Big Boy Hill 
  • Gecko thank you for encouraging me on that run back from the club house 
  • Mater still has not forgiven Dandelion for those 50 Block Tricfectas 
  • Please put a fund together to get Danelions son a new ipad because after it failed as an alarm clock Dandy sent it flying into Lake Norman… Hope the Dandelion Family gets wifi and Alexa back soon

As Always..God Bless and Laces Out Dan! 
