A Smurf, an FNG naming, and other Fission things

It was a rare sight to wake up and see rain, but no matter — the workouts would go on, and so I must drive my ass to the Harris Teeter Antiquity to Q Fission on this gloomiest of glooms.  To my surprise, lots of dudes decided they would show up as well, in spite of their complaining about finding shelter.  Newsflash: THERE IS NO SHELTER FROM THE RAIN AT FISSION! There is some at the church, but you have to run there, and there is very little around HT and definitely not enough for 9 guys.  Embrace it, get wet, and enjoy the workout.  And that’s what we did.

After a brief disclaimer for the new guy (Mike Blume, ushered in by Moses), we journeyed through the HT parking lot with some activation exercises (knee to chest, quad pulll, high knee, frankenstein walk, butt kicks, sweeps, floor touch, lateral shuffles) we began our journey toward Cornelius Elementary, where we would “Smurf.”  Along the way, we did some side straddle hop, imperial storm troopers, long snappers, people’s chair, and pc w/ air press.  We finally made it to the elementary school playground for 5 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 Mericans (10 I.C.), and 30 Squats (15 I.C.).  Thanks to everyone for taking turns calling cadence on the Mericans.

We then moseyed back to launch, stopping for some stretchy stretch at the paint store parking lot and some calf raises on the police dept steps.  Back at homebase, we attempted Mary without getting our butts wet — people’s chair w/ touch them heels, “I’m a little teapot”, and imperial storm troopers.  Maybe we did something else — not sure.  Anyway, that was recover, recover.  

Always fun when we get to name an FNG.  Moses seemed to have this one ready to go, though he did confer with fellow OG Callahan for a few moments to spitball a few things.  In the end, Mike Blume, who Moses knows from Switzerland, and who still lives in Switzerland (and I think I understood is now a citizen), will be named for the fragile flower found above the treeline in that region, Edelweiss.  You may know it from The Sound of Music.  Good name – we hope he stops by whenever he is in town.

Cally took us out — nice prayer today and lots to think about in the world, in our own circles and also globally.  

Hope y’all had fun!