A sneaking ape, with a 4×4 in pull-up forest

Event Date

Mar 31, 2016


9 primates, stepped out of the primordial stew to demonstrate to the world their new found instruments and passion for lifting heavy things. 2 vestigial organisms decided their best interests lie in rucking for an hour prior to said showcase, and going #ruckSON during. 

I am mentally divergent, in that, I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend?


Mosey around the LFC proper: Butt kickers, karaoke, high knees…

  • SSH x 51
  • Soybean farmer x 10
  • IST x 15
  • Squat x 10
  • Moutanin climber x 21
  • Americans x 10


?Mosey to pull-up forest, assemble two teams consisting of 5 and 4 on the girthy timbers…

  • Shoulder press x 20
  • Squats x 15
  • Curls x 15
  • Good morning x 10
  • Zamparini for ~1min

Mosey up to the LFC front yard. Prepper angi for Noah's exotic animal ark loader; each done down and back between boulders:

  • Horse Walk – Legs in squat position throughout
  • Lizard Crawl – A crawling peter parker
  • Sneaking Ape – Duck walk but each alternating knee touches ground
  • Gorilla Crawl – If you could dip a bear crawl in sin and misery, you'd have this

Repeato back to pull up forest:

  • Shoulder press x 20
  • Squats x 15
  • Curls x 15
  • Good morning x 10
  • Zamparini for ~1min


  • Monkey humpers x 15
  • Flutter kicks to completion

Recover, recover.

Ridden hard and put away wet, moleskin

  1. Samson is one of those AOs where you can just show, take a quick survey, and like a great jazz musician, skee-bop and boo-bop your way around and have a good time. I planned on posting the week before, however, the MQ Jedi, gave me a compelling tour during our pre-ruck.
  2. Limburger is tall. So tall, that newly named "Too Tall" spent time exclusivley on the extended log. 
  3. I've seen some fast bear-crawlin', but never have I seen faster gorilla crawling than Frogger. His namesake holds up well. 
  4. Great to see fellow BRR teammate, Turnpike, out at Samson. He had the over on 100 SSTs in the preblast. Sorry to let down, but there was so much room for activities!
  5. Didn't get to B2W and farmer carries. This AO has Saturday written all over it!
  6. Upon completion, Frogger and Ghost headed back down to PUF for some extra credit of the MudRun variety, I believe. Strong. Also great to see Frogger up in the #RaceCity holler for the 3rd anniversary.

Always my pleasure to lead you fine individuals.
