A softer side of Auto at the Mighty Oak

There was a lot of pre-game reqeusts to limit running, burpees, and basically anything that was hard. YHC decided to deliver on at least one of those but this isn't Burger King, if you want it your way then get out and Q. 


– by the flagpole – we did the usual

The Thang:

– Around the planters for: Step ups to start then turned to box jumps due to shaming from Qbert 

– Added in Dips, Durkins, Merkins, partner situps and throwdowns (no squat added during the throwdowns despite Qberts request)

– Mosey to the gaga court, with the pax not listening we audibled to Burpees then onto the wall hops follwed but picknick table dips, durkins, box, jumps, etc. 

– Grab a block and do a bunch of fun block work. 

– When all was quite we left the blocks in place since we would be right back and went for a pullups and burpee fest

– While at the playground doing said burpees and pullups the garbage truck timing was perfect and MQ Roadie had to lean a group back for a rescue of the blocks from the garbage truck (or to avoid burpees, still not sure which)

– After more block work and planking we hit Mary and called it a day


– Great to have 4 for the standard and use Dingo's new sidewalk to keep us safe 

– 14 at a beatdown not called the General is a great thing, bring your friends we need more guys at all beatdowns

– The Dragon Slayer has peacefully transitioned power from Gypsy to Qbert there was donunts it was glorious 

– Thanks to Roadie for the opportunity to Q at this fine location and the men that followed

Until the next time in the gloom.
