A Standard, A Murph, A Samson Suicide

There were multiple opportunities at Samson to Accelerate this morning. They were as follows:

0500 – The Standard

Jobe, Swamp Fox, AM-PM, and YHC ran about a 1.6ish mile standard. Ran up the hill and then down the hill.

0515 – The Murph

Jobe was convinced a full Murph (without the running) could be done in 15 minutes. He was incorrect but tried anyways. Swamp Fox and Jobe led the way. AM-PM was not far behind. YHC opted to mostly do pull ups and dead hangs because David Goggins' voice couldn't reach me this morning.

0530 – The Samson Suicides

You simply have to show to know.

0615 – The Moleskine

  • Swamp Fox can do muscle ups with ease. We all got to watch Popcorn's ego deflate in real time.
  • Deep Dish was very tentative about joining us when prompted at Hollywood yesterday but he changed his mind is so much better for it.
  • Guys were moving this morning. We crushed all 5 rounds with a minute to spare and they were not easy rounds. Great work all!
  • Tonight is MQ Appreciation. You do not need to be an MQ to attend. BBQ, cookies, beer, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc. 0530 at Birkdale Summit
  • There were lots of other going-ons but I was too busy trying to remember to breathe to see it all so sound off in the comments if anything of note occured.


Thanks to Hasselhoff for the opportunity to Q this morning and to all those who chose to attend this morning. Until next time – CB
