A Steamy December Murph at The Sword

15 Gluttons got the punishment they sought by gritting out a steamy December Murph. Judging by the PAX sweat smelling like a mix of booze and candy canes I am confident that the holiday detox has begun…

The Murph:

1 Mile – On and off campus options 

100 Pull Ups (10 sets of 10 IC)

200 ‘Mericans (10 sets of 20 IC)

300 Squats (10 sets of 30 IC)

1 Mile

The Moleskin:

-We had a lot of progress with the PAX calling cadence correctly…the speed of the cadence will be the focus next month…

-Bam Bam thinks that we cheat our off campus run every week. If he came off campus once he would know that all we do is go sit at the end of the parking lot and wait for him to come around for his 3rd lap and just go sprinting by. Sucker…

-For Will Ferrell Milk was a bad choice…for a few of the PAX today (YHC included) the ruck might have been a bad choice. Then again, I know we will be stronger for it.

-Ty Webb is so skinny that he turned sideways and disappeared.

-Every time I see a #respect or an almost respect get out and do a beatdown like the Murph I am inspired. You men are impressive.

-YHC took off like Scrappy on the first mile and Gray Ghost, who hasn’t run in a month still almost beat me.

-Thanks to Smokey, Ditka and the rest of the PAX for holding me accountable to posting this BB. #ISI