A Stifling Workout in Max Humidity

FNG-1 = Yogi

The Standard

  • Crocs, Nair, Camelback, Pitstop ran
  • Swanson + someone else ruck/walked

Warm O'Rama

  • SSH IC X20
  • Shoulder Stretch

The Main Thang

  • Mosey to the Cinderblocks
  • Make friends with Cindy
  • Head outside to see if the air is moving out there
  • Circle Up 
    • Cindy Squats X20 IC
    • Cindy lunge X10 IC R-L
    • Cindy Split Squat Lunge Pulses X10 IC R-L
    • Standing 10 count – there is no air moving
    • Cindy Bent Over Row X20 IC
    • Cindy Shoulder Press X20 IC
  • Mosey back to block pile 
  • Mosey to 2nd floor in a desperate search for air movement
  • AMRAP – 1 minute on 30 seconds off
    • Weighted Jump Rope
    • 45 lbs DB Chest Press
    • 30 lbs curls
    • Freddie Mercury
    • Shoulder Tap Plank
    • Regular Jump Rope
    • 80 lbs Resistance Band Back Pull
    • Ab roller
    • 30 lbs KB Skull crusher
    • Cone to cone with resistance bands
    • Single Leg same side single arm – touch the cone 
    • Next station – other side
    • Two 40 lbs sand bags carry up ramp and back
    • Decline Plank
  • What's New Pussycat 
    • Play the Tom Jones Song
    • Hold Al Gore
    • Burpee whenever he sings 'What's new Pussycat'
  • Mobility moment of arm and leg stretches
  • Put the toys away
  • Recover, recover

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • YHC was offended that people did the standard and attacked legs immediately – what can I say…I am a proud, yet prissy bitch
  • Carpetbagger has much better vision than YHC so he took over calling the clock time
  • I love Yogi coming out and kicking ass at age 73
  • Lots of sweat equity poured out of this group
  • HHH was moved to Harvey's as the main street bar was closed. Trivia resumes next Wednesday!