PLEDGE of ALLIGIENCECircle Up15 Mericans, 15 Cotton Pickers, 15 Windmills, 25 SSHsQuick Mosey across the boardwalk and over to Robbins ParkThe Thang-a-lang:Partner Up (Size always matters, but not for these particular exercises)Starting somewhere around the center of the soccer field, one partner runs half the Robbins Crescent Drive crescent/arc/curve/etc. to one entrance and back.The other partner is exercising and keeping count of reps completed. 150 Hand Release Mericans 150 Jump Squats 150 WWII Sit-upsAny PAX finishing before others were instructed to start over with the exercises and bear crawl across the soccer field instead of running.Next up, all PAX were lined up on the soccer field sideline(?) for Low Crawls across the field. No FNGs posted to The General today, so PAX were issued 50 burpees for each set of partners to complete. Most went for 25 each.Slowerish Mosey back to WeMoPa, using the boardwalk again, of course.PAX line up for 4 hill sprints in the parking lot. 3 minutes of Mary: Dying Cockroach, Elbow Plank while getting the PAX count.Recover! Recover!! Warm and Fuzzy Moleskin:Mostly running at today’s cold General. ‘Bout 2.5 miles worth, anyone gotta different number?I stand by my earlier statement that the ground was warmer than the air today. Hence the Merkins, WWII’s, and Low Crawls. Gotta stay low to avoid the wind.Major Tom – Glad I got to get 2 workouts in with you this week, strong work, but get some pants, you’ll thank me when it gets colder.Gumby – Thanks for coming out to the General today, hope to see you at another AO in the near future.Snake eyes – Do you have a name for that thing that was on head?S’mores – Awesome to partner with you today, and thanks for taking on those extra burpees, I didn’t have 10 more in me at that moment.Holiday – A pleasure to post with you again. I wonder where we will cross paths next week.Omega – HAPPY BIRTHDAY, thanks for sharing part of your day with us.Thorpe – Hope the debacle that was this morning doesn’t scare you away, and that we’ll see you at workouts next week.Shaken – Thanks for letting me borrow your clown car partner today, hopefully whomever you partnered with was good to you. ,Soprano – Strong work all morning. Guess I will have to come up with something more advanced to challenge you next time. #QFailDeep dish – Great push this AM. I’m glad you choose The General for your fitness needs today. Hopefully you got something out of it.Oyster – War Daddy. Respect. The wisest one there today, but doesn’t look a day over Deep Dish. Strong work.Carpet Bagger – Wake up earlier and you’ll have more workout options, thanks for the support today even if it was by default.Tuffy – See you at the Half tomorrow? Hope you’ve been practicing your waterboy skills. I know I have.Elmer’s – I must have been on opposite running schemas as you, I saw you at COP and COT, and never in between. #QFailLandline – You looked fast out there today. Could have something to do with myThe Geek – Thanks for the chance to lead, and the reminder earlier in the week that I had signed up. I think I did that some time back in October, so could have been very easily forgotten.Ninja turtle – When is your next Q? I don’t want to miss it. No really, consider this my HC.Hat trick – Another strong PAX that I only saw at the start and the finish. I guess I’ll need to open my eyes while Q’ing. #TripleQFailScrappy – Thanks for making The General your workout of choice today. Hope it didn’t disappoint. I award you one #VT, not sure for what, but I’m sure you earned it.Prayers raised for strength and peace for those battling illnesses.Some announcements were made, I wasn’t there. Comment below if you’d like to further plug your announcement. Keep bringing out those FNGs, and invite back any kotters that have fallen off. Today’s General PAX got to do burpees because there were no FNGs, but that’s not the point. There are 1,000’s of men in our area that can use F3, and make F3 better. Surely you know them.