A Tale of 2 Q’s – Saved the best for last

I didn't even come close to getting all the PAX as there were 25 total and i'm too old to remember that…BUT speaking of old, i am a lot older than El Chapo, so no way could i deliver a beating and take down this young lad…right?  

As an old guy, i like to get there a little early and stretch, since i don't run 3-4 miles before the workout, but Bunyan as the driver of 4 of the macauley PAX decided to wake up at 5:11 and arrive a little later and thus was also not able to take his usual @#$% in the morning and paid dearly over time.  Anyway, I digress.  We arrive ready to bring together an eager PAX looking to observe and participate in what was most likely the best battle in this final first found of Q VS. Q!


El Chapo allowed YHC to provide a quick mosey and then a little warmarama, which we did.  I confirmed that while I am a professional, El Chapo is not! 

Meanwhile, there were multiple PAX running from somewhere and just circling the parking lot like a bunch of vultures looking for prey or maybe just PAX to laugh at while they run in circles…not really sure.

El Chapo begins:

We partnered up, grabbed one rock per team and then did a bunch of cute stuff where we high fived our partners, sat on laps, etc. 🙂

Wheelbarrow merkins with partner was how it started.  Thank you bunyan for turning the other way while holding my legs.  #notagoodimage

Partners swang the rock back and forth while standing back to back

sit ups with rock passing back and forth

High five burpees

Bam Bam:

Back to pull up bars to grab a block

partner one zamperini across the lot and back while partner 2 does burpees

flap jack

Now we take a run around the lot…stop halfway

rocky balboa to 10 in cadence

2 burpees

repeato x 4

Back to the blocks,

partner 1 zamporini back and forth while partner 2 burpees

flap jack


EL CHAPO time:

We ran over to the wall and did some wall sits while partner dipped while holding knees of partner.  

back to the rocks

Partner pick ups.  At this point, the aforementioned running PAX were drinking heinikens next to us and yelling who they are voting for…didn't sound good for BamBam.  

YHC looks up and notices El Chapo's partner, Qbert is actually drinking a beer at this point.  Pretty impressive.

Partner shoulder touch merkins to 15 IC – not fun at that point as we did a lot of merkins and more were to come

A couple of other exercises that i don't recall, but at this point, i think the PAX was tired but we had more work to do

Back to Bam Bam

run back to the pull up bars 

Partner up with another partner group to make teams of 4

relay race time…one person from each group runs a short lap while the other 3 are doing exercises to get to combined number of the following below.  However, one PAX is always running from each group.

500 merkins

300 curls

200 WW2 situps

Winners were….i forget, but good job!

we had 2 minutes left

1 burpee but jump and touch hands to knees

2 burpees and jump touch hands to knees 2 times

continue to 4

Wanted to get to 10, but didn't feel anyone else wanted to.  

Recover, Recover


  • A fun event and hope El Chapo takes my jokes in jest!  Thanks to Turncoat/turnpike (i think) for putting the whole Q vs Q together.  
  • Great turnout of 25 PAX, not used to that many people joining me.  I know i missed a lot of them on the PAX list, so sorry about that
  • PAX needed at The Mighty Oak to help Macauley Swim team manager get some Risers from the school over the clubhouse at Macauley.  Need a couple of trucks i think and some guys to stick around and load and unload.
  • Thanks to all who participated…good fun