A tale of Denver Murphs

Event Date

Jan 29, 2018

Chances are you fartsacked this morning.  Why did you fartsack? Probably because you were scared of the rain, or maybe your 2.0 woke up right before you were heading out the door or were called in to work to fix an emergent issue. Maybe you heartsacked…but chances are you fartsacked. This backblast is combining 2 AO's.

Mustang had 2 PAX and one of those had to leave early, leaving YHC alone to #sadclown the 2nd half of the Murph all by himself. SVU had 3 (well 2 really since Dandelion and Gecko kinda come together).

Later in the evening, feeling guilty, Mulligan and Ziploc pounded out make-up Murph.

The Mustang story went kinda like this…0524 and both Clark and Stitches are pulling in opposite sides of the AO. We emerge from our car and Stitches asks YHC if he has the Q today.  I reminded him that today was Murph day. After waiting 1 extra minute (0531) we set off, just the 2 of us enjoying some 2nd F as we cruise over to CSES. On the way Stitches tells YHC that he must leave at 6. We arrive at the Murph spot (School playground) and together we make it through 55 pull-ups 110 Mericans and 165 Squats before Stitches had to leave. YHC finished the rest all alone in the gloom. 100% humidity and misting rain.

Is YHC mad at you?…Heck no. YHC is disappointed that I can only assume that so few took the DRP today. I care about your fitness.

Reflection: C# and Sonar call me out on slack after YHC called all of the PAX a bunch of 4 legged felines for not posting today and simply posts "429" I assume he is speaking to Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."


Reflecting on this, maybe I should start over…without being sarcastic, but YHC needs to get back to work, so I'll simply say see you in the gloom. I NEED to see you in the gloom. It's the 3rd F in and coupled with the 2nd F that makes me stick to the 1st F.