A taper, well I tried to make it that way

Warmup –


10 Burpees

Wide Mtn Climbers


The Jist –

Battle buddy – 1 min each partner

Partner 1 squats with hands extended, partner 2 runs in place touching knees to the partners hands

Partner 1 planks with wide legs, partner 2 ladders over each leg

Partner 1 plank position, partner 2 hands on shoulders and hops back and forth over their partner


Ran to the rock pile –


Rock Trip –

Rock Press

Full Curl

Skull Crusher



1 Bear crawl around the circle of fun (Or Round about)


Rock Press

Full Curl

Skull Crusher



Groups –

Back into partners, at this time each team (2 tires) does bear crawls while pulling tires each.

The rest does the below while taking turns


Hand Jacks

Hand release merkins

Al Gores






Mary –

4 F3’res taught some Mary; I don’t remember who it was but Mary was enjoyed by all…


The Moleskin –

I have not much to say because this takes too much thinking and don’t want to think too much so I’ll leave it right here.