A taste of the Caribbean

YHC fresh from family vacay, still reeking of corona and cocoa butter, was ready to humbly take the reins again for the Brickyard workout.  Yet, while still giddy from the Caribbean romp YHC  decided to use that for the theme of the workout.

Warm up

Mosey to familiar parking lot to limber and loosen

SSH X 25

Mountain climbers X 20

Windmills X 15

¼ jump squats X 20

The sweet-thang

C = 25 Carolina Drydocks (Run to brick pile)

O = 10 One armed, Man Maker Mericans (run to cul de sac)

S = 25 Smurf Jacks (run to adjacent parking lot)

T = 2X Tunnel of Love (run to grassy, wet, itchy area)

A = Ascending testicles (run to brick wall)


R = Rock-a-byes w/ bricks (run to brick pile)

I = Inchworm with bricks

C = Clock Merican w/ bricks

A = 50 Alternating shoulder taps w/ bricks


Additional Costa Rican related exercises

25 Monkey Humpers for monkeys at resort

1 spiderman crawl for huge spider in daughters bed.  Daughter now in therapy.

20 pickle pounders for logistically impossible attempt to play Rico Suave’ with wifey – thank you maid and kids

1 fiddler crab walk (not a Pax favorite)



25 LBC’s

20 Box cutters / reverse box cutters

25 DC flutter kicks


Santiago confessed to having post-holiday “moobs” (man boobs) after excessive eating but was fleet footed as ever.

Senator, not a fan of the Tunnel of Love ripped thru it like spit thru a trumpet.  Way to bust it out big guy.  Hope the BNI presentation went well!

Manhands challenged Q on why he was referring to ascending testicles in the plural versus singular. 

YHC brought his beast log to the pre-work out ruck and carry.  Manhands asked repeatedly if he could handle Q’s wood.  Q obliged.

Great to see agent orange, trilamb, deepend and ticktock as regular as ever – keep it up!

Honeymoon apparently adjusting well and unfettered by new family addition looks ready for BRR tomorrow

BigMean, incorporating what I learned at Q school, THANKS for doing that

Great chatter at coffeteria afterwards as always.


Don’t forget we’re cleaning the Mooresville Soup Kitchen this Monday, 01/04 at 6:30pm!!  Meet at Alino’s at 5:30pm if you want pizza.  We can knock the MSK out in an hour or so.  Great cause, especially for those less fortunate!  Prayers for TickTock’s aunt, continued recovery for Michelle (Mrs. Santiago) and lets keep Mailman in our prayers for a speedy recovery so he can get back into fartsacking.