A Thriller in Three Acts

15 men came out of the shadows to help me celebrate my last birthday before RESPECT.  Stealing a comment from The Count – he said it was #Prespect.  Not listed on the web-site = Spaulding

Master Q Deep Dish was sidelined with a back injury – so I made the drive from across 73 on my own.  Cars were filing in right up until 5:30, maybe even 5:31 (Ninja Turtle??).


Mosey down towards Which Wich and around the lot to the nromal launch zone – nothing fancy, a little carioca along the way.  The warm up was all your favorites: SSH, IST, Cotton Picker, Toy Soldier, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, Carolina Dry Docks, a little stretchy stretchy, and we were on our way.


ACT 1 – Against Titan's better judgement, we headed towards the parking deck ramp.  To commenorate my 49th, we would ascend the ramp and do 4 burpees, descend and do 9 jump squats.  All PAX do 5 sets.

Over to the bricks by Dick's – People's Chair with air press.  There seemed to be a strong odor of gas, and neither Toxic or Amen were with us this morning, so we wrapped things up on the wall.

Head to the lot across from Dick's

ACT 2 – Gazelles in one line, Slower Gazelles in the other line.  Find a partner in the opposite line.  Partners ran around the lot in oppostie directions.  Upon meeting up – drop and perform 10 partner mericans.  Continue running the way you were headed.  Continue this until you completed 4 sets of mericans.  Once you hit four, mosey over to where Act 2 started.

Intermission 1 – Indian Run down to the Gap and over to the blocks at Chipotle

ACT 3 – everyone grab a block

Circle up for – squats, curls, oiverhead presses, up right rows, bench press

Find your partner.

Partner 1 farmer carries both blocks.  Partner 2 drops and does 10 mericans then catch up to partner 1 and flip flop.  Continue rotating until we made 2 loops around the lot. 

Put the blocks back.

Intermission 2 – Indian Run back to the launch.


Not a ton of time – LBCs, Low Flutters, Recover Recover.

Birthday Cake Moleskine:

– Great group of men this morning.  Some F3LKN royalty and some newer faces on the way to royalty status. 

– Titian announced his final Q as Master Q of Fission will be tomorrow when he turns things over to Cousin Eddie.  Titan always pushes the PAX and has a lot of fun while he does it.  Thanks for the leadershp at Fission. You are leaving things in good hands.  Does anyone post more (and Q more) than Cousin Eddie??  This guy is everywhere.

– Prayers up for Deepdish for a quick recover after throwing out his back.

– Crazy weather we've been having.  Snow yesterday.  Low 40s at the workout and low 70s as I write this backblast.  At least its not rain.  

– YHC snuck a fair amount of running into this bootcamp – I had us closked at just over 2.5 miles.  

– Always an honor to be with you fine men.  What a great way to start another trip around the Sun.


