A tour of the PRoD (People’s Republic of Davidson)

Seabisuit, & Puddin’ aren’t registered on the website. FNG-3 was named yesterday, La Shakira. I can’t remember his name (I’m old) but he is originally from Columbia, the country not SC. I may have missed one or two pax since I didn’t record the names during the COT. For the record, there were a total of 35 guys, those that didn’t follow me went with Chim Chim.

The disclaimer was given and I added an additional disclaimer letting those assembled that if they were going to follow me we’d be running…a LOT.

After the warmup, sides were chosen…by the pax not by the Q’s. Those that picked my side followed me to DUMC where we picked up two bricks each and then took off for a guided tour of the PRoD. We ended up covering about 3.2 miles including a snake of the stadium, Fighter Pilots halfway around the track, and a quick round of ab exercises about halfway through the workout, the only time we put the bricks down.



  • For my last 2 Q’s I made the pax carry bricks while we covered some ground. I don’t know why other than I like it and the pax seems to hate it
  • A lot of chatter during the warmup, not mumble chatter just guys chatting with each other. This lead to 5 burpees, fast cadence SSH’s, and 5 more burpees before the chatter ceased
  • Buckner lead the way most of the morning…how is he not on someone’s Palmetto team? Which leads to the next question, who is going to EH him for BRR?
  • Fighter Pilots is an exercise I took from Swing State. You run with your arms parallel to the ground, just like you did when you were a kid acting like a plane. These really suck when you’re carrying bricks and are even worse when you just did 50 Moroccans 
  • I got a text from Stout last night complaining he couldn’t raise his wine glass, so Davidson
  • Great work by all this morning
  • I’ll be forever thankful to Mailman for EH’in me even though he fartsacked on my first post! But, he did redeem himself by making my second post and giving me a great F3 name
  • As always, I humbled to be friends with so many #HIM


