A Tradition Continues

Event Date

Nov 25, 2019

Three of Race CIty's fiercest, finest, and ferocious-est folks assembled for The Murph, and were led by their guest Q, drafted from the C-team as The Monster Mile's Master Q (Chicken Little) is in boot camp, and Deepend is battling achillesitis–a painful condition, no doubt.

During the first mile of running, the Pax pondered by only four F3RCUSA members showed up today, it was discussed that 'possibly' the 33 degree ambient temp, maybe because of Thanksgiving this week…..but it was decided that The Murph itself was the likely culprit.

THE MURPH was run to completion- a 1 mile run, 10 (ten) sets each of 10 pull up, 20 Merkins, and 30 Squats.  Pax members shared turns counting in cadence.  It was an efficient, symbiotic presentation of pain, inspired by Lt. Michael Murphy many moons ago.  In fact, it was so efficient, that the 2nd one mile run was completed 1 min. faster than the first mile, AND left the Pax with some time to do….

Mary (IC)- Low Flutter 20, Cheez Whiz led Box Cutters 10, Motorboat led Cutter Boxes 10, and Cupcake led R/L Pretzels 10. Recover, recover.


-These 'very fine' gentlemen executed our 'Last Monday of the Month Murph' to perfection.

-Coffeeteria included Lear, dropped Motorboard, and discussed treacherous hiking in the Las Vegas area known as Angle's Landing.  Several hikers die there every year, and Cupcake's crew survived it!  Exciting, but a bit scary.

-Chicken Little, we are ALL thinking about you, wishing you well, and hoping to see you soon.

-Deepend, recover fully before your return.  The achilles can be a bit tricky.