A tradition unlike any other…

The Horseshoe at PAINinsula….psych!

Since MQ and his band of henchmen golfers are trekking the Robert Trent Jones Trail, YHC was stuck trying to replicate the pain without the horseshoe. 

*The Horseshoe will take place next Tuesday for the month of April. 

18 PAX joined YHC some organized and disorganized chaos and we are all better for it. 

**Note Ryan Duncan joined us and I cannot find his f3 name.  Please comment so I can add if you know it. 

Warm o rama:

SSH IC x 20

ISH IC x 10 with a 3rd leg

Toy soldiers IC x 10

Cat cow 

Monkey Humpers IC x 10

The Thang:

4 corners around the gazebo area, exercise at each corner

Rd 1: 10 jump squats, 20 lo flutter, 20 plyo ohno jumps, 20 W’s

Rd 2: 20 plank jacks, 20 LBC, 20 plyo ohno, 20 lo dolly

Rd: 3 same as rd 1:

Rd 4: sprint to second corner, 20 lo flutter,  sprint to finish, 20 W’s

some cat cow/mobility moments

Partner up and select a set a steps/path around the gazebo

Rd 1:

Partner 1: incline merkins (5 at each step, total of 20)

Partner 2:  sprint to end of path, 20 LBCs, sprint back

flip flop

Rd 2: 

Partner 1: incline merkins (7 at each step, total of 28)

Partner 2: sprint to end of path,  find bench on way back, 20 dips

flip flop

Rd 3: 

Partner 1: incline merkins (7 at each step, total of 28)

Partner 2: curtsy lunge /w torso rotation,  10 eahc leg

flip flop

squad moseys one lap around gazebo area then off to courtyard of some sort

people’s chair w/ air chest and shoulder presses

step-ups, dips and calf raises were performed

mosey back to base for 18 man merkin time bomb (3-2-1)


Finally, we did some 7 minute abs for mary, included freddie merk, elbow side planks, homer to marge, lo flutter, touch dem heels, crunchy frog.  Possibly missed something and possibly finished early (per Hippie but nothing i haven’t heard before).

Keep your eyes out for a Huntersville Greenway cleanup in the next few weeks.  Prayers for Hippie’s nephew Ben, the Castronovo family in Mooresville dealing with a loss and all unspokens.

Enjoyed coffeeteria with the fellas. 

Honor and a pleasure gents, aye. 

Go Flyers


