A Tribute to Chubbs

FNG today, and since he doubled down with a run beforehand, we named him Lug Nuts!  Welcome. 

12 hard chargers met up to honor Chubbs – Happy Gilmore’s coach and mentor at The Estate this morning. 

We started with a typical F3 warm-up and then grabbed our blocks and headed to the turf, taking care not to do any running!  

First up was Chubbs Trivia (not Carl Weathers trivia) – if the pax got the answer right, 10 reps of a given exercise.  Wrong answers rewarded with 20 reps.   We did some merkins, jump squats, Carolina dry docks, body weight squats, mountain climbers, WW2s, etc.   No burpees, yet.

On the to “real work”   30 minute tabata – 25 seconds of work, 10 second rest.   We did just about any exercise YHC could think of.  Some with the blocks, some without.  And a few burpees if a plane got too close.

Lots of mumble chatter, as expected.   And the more regular pax at the Estate informed YHC that we really don’t do the full hour any more – usually just 45 minutes.  Sorry – we went a bit long.

We finished with what I hope will become a new Estate tradition – the 1 rep Mary.   We went around the circle, with each pax calling out an exercise, which we only did one of (two if it was in cadence).  Great Finish!

Thanks to all that came out for my ultra-rare Q.



